Part 12

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I watched him walk in. Felix stood there stiffly as Chan talked to Hyunjin.

In my defense, Felix just happened to walk in when i was watching the door. I wasn't purposefully looking for Felix. Never have and never will.

Felix to me was just someone. Someone i could easily manipulate and play with. And he knows this.

Kind of.

But whatever.

Felix disappeared into the kitchen and i started talking to Jisung.

It was a stupid conversation. So pointless i can't even remeber what it was about. It could've been about his girlfriend, or was it his chemistry grade?

All i remembered was how boring it was.

So now that you know what actually happened you can't blame me for what happened next.

I was bored, yes. So you know what i do when I'm bored? I play games. Specifically with people. I play games that i know wouldn't hurt anyone. At least not for long term.

But before i could play any games, i needed someone to play them on.

I dismissed my friends and made a beeline to the kitchen. As i did, Lauren, the host of the party, stormed out in a flushed and angery manner.

I would've gone after her because who knows what could happen after. But i didn't. And i don't know why.

The kitchen was empty except for Chan who was mixing a drink or whatever. No Felix.

I wondered for a couple minutes. If i was an introverted gay boy where would i be?

I slipped outside and the backyard was empty. But then i heard faint jingling. It was only for a second and it was very quiet and abrupt.

There was a part of the house that jutted out. Maybe he was there on the other side.

I made my foot steps very soft Incase it wasn't Felix and instead something i didn't want to barge in on.

As i neared, i saw him. His eyes were closed and his head was tilted back against the wall. My eyes drifted down his body and there was a furry lump sitting in his lap.

I could feel my eyes get soft as i lingered there and watched him. He looked so peaceful that i actually considered letting him be.

Then i realized if anyone saw me watching him like this, it would be really bad.

So, reminded myself why i was here (which was to bother him) and thought of something to say.

"Going to sleep so soon?"

Felix's eyes popped open and the dog in his lap woke up and started growling.

"What the fuck, you woke Pico!" He exclaimed, petting the dog. And for a second i actually felt bad. For a second, though.

"Come on, Felix. Let's have some fun." I sneerd. I almost said it sincerely, like an offer.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him up. Surprisingly he didn't resist or if he did i didn't know.

I led him through the house and the game room. I didn't know exactly why or what i was going to do. Maybe challenge him to game of pool and the losers takes shots?

I stopped in front of a makeshift stage for drunk kareoke. Felix glanced around the room and mumbled something.


How dare he call me a player! "What did you just call me?"

"Nothing." He replied but then his expression changed. Gosh he was so frustrating!

But then i was upset. I wanted him to be embarrassed. I wanted to hurt him.

I lugged him on stage and quickly picked it song. It happened to be the one i know best.

Now let me tell you, i didn't plan this. At all. I didn't expect to be singing What Is Love? At a party, next to Felix Lee and ACTUALLY enjoying myself. It was probably the most ironic outcome.

I was kind of shocked. It all happened so fast but so fun. Before i knew it, the song was over and we were laughing hard.

It was just so stupid and downright hilarious.

When we hopped off stage, i was going to talk to him. Say something like, "Hey you're actually really fun." But Felix was gone.

And as i thought more about it. Felix could think i meant more than what i was going to say. And anyone else too.

I guess it was good that he disappeared. Felix seems really good at that.

I glanced around the room one more time but instead of Felix, i saw Lisa.

She stood leaning against the wall. She had a drink in her hand, watching me. Lisa was wearing black ripped jeans and i thin, thin, tank top.

She motioned me to come over and i didn't think twice as i strided over to her.

Maybe it was a good thing that Felix disappeared.

Anyways here ya go

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