part 23

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"Can we please make some." begged Chan. "But like with toffee and sprinkles."
"Oh. My. God. Fine!" Jacqueline caved. Even though i knew she was being reluctant on purpose.
"YES!" Chan cheered. "Do you hear that Felix? I get to make cookies with THE Jacqueline Lee."
"Wow, lucky you. I get to live with her." i answered.
Chan pouted at me before whisking jacqueline by her waist into the kitchen.

I sat in the living room watching Twice MV's on auto play not quiet thinking about them but really trying to listen into whatever they were talking about in the kitchen. Aside from the occasional screams and laughter, anything they said was muffled. The funny thing was, niether of them asked for me during their whole baking session. Perhaps Chan forgot he was at My House and that I was in the other room or he was really enjoying his time with Jacqueline. Either way, it was fine with me. I had something else i could think about.

Changbin didn't come to school today. I hadn't been looking for him of course but what Chan told me in the car this morning had me wondering. There could be so many reasons he didn't attend school today. He stayed up all night according to Chan which means he was probably too tired to come to school. There. That's it. That's the reason. But then there's that one small detail that kept resurfacing in my mind.
"He said he didn't want to be at home"
But why not? Why couldn't he just stay home and sleep? Certainly he wasn't awake because he felt guilty about Hyunjin and Lauren.
Wow, i'm really overthinking. But it's okay because me and Changbin are like friends, right?


I hesitated a bit before opening Chans contact. When i went home around 11, my dad was still there. He's supposed to be at work by 9. I walked right through the front door thinking no one was home just to spot him lying on the couch. "Don't tell your mom." was the only thing he said to me as i climbed up the stairs. Tonight was going to be a repeat of the other day. He falls asleep after drinking, mom comes home and sees him not at work, she gets mad, they argue. Dad leaves and come back in the odd hours of the morning while she's sleeping and I'm just waking up.

Slowly but surely i started getting sick of this endless cycle. Why wouldnt she just change the locks when he leaves and never let him in again? She hurting both of us by keeping him around. I find it hard to comprehend why my mom doesn't just divorce him and move us out of here. Nonetheless i still had to stay, anticipating the usual routine about to unfold for what seemed like that millionth time.

I began to find my own routine in the
madness. Most times it happens i opt to spend the night at Hyunjin or Jisungs house but lately i've felt distant from them. Mostly because Hyunjin had his girl and Jisung and me barely had a full conversation in the last two weeks. This train of thought led me to thinking about this morning at the park sitting next to chan and watching the stars. Though we didn't say much it was just nice to have the company.
Instead of just showing up again and probably interrupting his personal pity party, i decided the polite thing to do was to ask him to join me. So i pulled out my phone and began to type,

hey, park @ 12? i'll bring some drinks?

i just hit send, not worrying about what he'd think. I honestly felt bad for him throughout this whole thing and something about seeing him at that park in the middle of the tonight just made it seem so much more sorrowful.

My phone buzzed agin and i flipped it over urgently.


The simple answer made me smile. I felt like i did the right thing for the first time in a while.

Hey loves! Ya girl mapped out the rest of this story so really it's just a matter of writing the rest of the chapters so... :) It'll probably end between 30-35 chapters so please look forward to it !

Also this is a shitty filler chapter i'm sorry 😔👉🏼👈🏼

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