Part 14

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Changbin pov
It was Monday and i woke up earlier than usual. So i did what any teen would do i guess. I went on my Instagram. My own profile was pretty dry with some sunset or grunge pictures with some dumbass emo captions.

My timeline was filled with other stupid posts that i didn't care about. Though, one picture did stick out. It was from Hyunjin. He always took amazing pictures. I swear he could be a photographer.

In the picture he was wearing his outfit from last night, a white shirt half ticked into fitted black jeans and a few silver necklaces around his neck. There was a solo cup in his hand and he was laughing while leaning against the wall.

The picture looked natural but i knew it was staged somewhat.

I liked it and moved on. It was 5:27 am and i didn't have to get up until 6:30 so i really didn't know what else to do besides scroll through this pointless app.

Sometimes i just want to go ghost. Delete all my social media and just see if anyone would care. The boys would probably blow it off thinking it's some angsty teen movement i was doing.

I know so many people yet I'm so alone.

At precisely 5:54 i came across something. The suggestion box had popped up on my feed and there, right in front of me, was Felix's Instagram. i never even knew he had one.

Certaintly this was not by chance.

I mean, what else was i supposed to do? Not look at it? Yeah right.

I clicked the profile, @feelixlee

His profile picture was of Kermit the frog. And his bio was a pride flag and 'junior'.

There were a couple posts of himself, Chan and a girl that looked like she could be related to Felix and the other ones were of nature, cities, or sunsets. Pictures he clearly took himself. Although his feed was messy it seemed so put together almost.

Suddenly, a door slammed and i put my phone down. I waited for a beat, thinking maybe there wouldn't be any other noises. but sure enough there was some more banging around.

"I fucking swear to god." I mumbled rushing down the stairs.

"What in the hell?" I said turning the kitchen light on.

My dad stood there with and open beer in his hand and the fridge door wide open. "Hey don't curse in my house." He slurred, leaning over to his left before catching himself. There was a broken jar on the floor.

I wanted to slap him! Whose father comes home drunk at 6 am?

"Get me some advil." He mumbled rubbing his head and chugging the rest of his beer. He laughed a gruffly laugh. One that would come out of someone who took too much nightquil.

I walked back upstairs and changed quickly. I grabbed my phone and backpack and headed back down the stairs. i couldn't do this today.

"Hey where's my- where are you going!" My dad called after me as i rushed out of the door. He tried to chase after me but he was too drunk to even stand.

"You're old enough to help yourself." I yelled And with that i slammed the door in his face.

This wasn't the first time this has happened and it definitely won't be  the last.

He always expects me to help him because he knows i don't want my mom to know.

And he's right. I don't want my mother to know she dated a asshole. He made her happy before (not sure about now though) and i don't want to take that away from her.

This is something nobody knows and i plan on keep it that way.

Man this chapter just ain't it chief, but i hadda update cuz this was overdue
ANYWAYS STREAM I AM: YOU when it comes out tmr

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