part 34

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I sat on the steps of Felix's house, once again debating weather or not i should just leave. School should be out in two hours. If he tells me to leave i will, but i just needed him to know that i'm sorry.

I leaned against the railing, taking in the warm sunlight.

"umm? what are you doing?" a familiar voice asked.

i jumped. It was Jacqueline, standing at the door. I didn't think anyone was home.

"I-I was just waiting. i paused. For Felix." i confessed, looking down.

"But don't you go to the same school?" She asked, stepping outside.

I looked up. "Things are a little complicated."

"Dude, are you good? You're lip is bleeding."

I felt the cut and sure enough, warm blood was trickling down.

"Do want a bandaid or something?" she offered her hand. I grabbed it and followed her inside.

I sat at the kitchen counter watching her grab the first aid kit from a cabinet. The kitchen was bright and pristine, unlike mine at home. I'd never been inside Felix's house before and considering it may be the last time, i allowed my eyes to wander.

"So i know it's none of my buisness," Jacqueline started, stealing my attention back. "but why are you here exactly?"

I sighed. "I really fucked up. Like terribly, utterly, massively fucked up."

She laughed at this. "Yeah you did. I have no idea what happened today and why you're here now but you really did fuck up before."

She began cleaning the cut before placing a fresh bandaid over it.

"That's a pretty deep cut, who did it?" she frowned. I could tell she was genuinely concerned.

I nervously laughed. "Chan."

Her eyes widened. "Chan did this to you? He's the sweetest how could he even-?" Then her expression changed." What the hell did you do?"

Seeing Jacquelines shock at my statement made me feel like shit. She was right. Chan would never go out of his way to hurt somebody. I definitely deserved it.

"You're right. I really deserved it." I paused. "It was for Felix, so i guess it makes sense."

Jacqueline turned around from the cupboard when i said this, almost dropping her box of cookies in the process.

"Woah, woah. Chan fought you because you treated Felix like shit?"

i cringed.

"Well when you put it that way.."

"Damn you must've really fucked up."

"FINE! Yes, i did! Which is why i'm here. Becuase im sorry and i want him to know that so even if he wants nothing to do with me ever again, he'll know i still care about him." Silence. "Jeez, you're so mean."

She smiled. "I was just waiting for you to admit it. Here take a cookie. You're gonna fix this." she paused. "Felix helped me with Chan and now it's time for me to return the favor."

I took her cookie as an olive branch and finally relaxed.

"Now, tell me everything from the beginning."

I explained everything from the first party up until now. Somehow it helped me clear my head. But it also made me feel insanely guilty. Why did i have to ruin it?

Jacqueline must've noticed my frown. "You know he really likes you.." she shrugged.

I peeked up. "seriously? you're not just saying to-"

"–and from the looks of it, you seem to like him too."

I stopped. I do. I do really like him.

"I do."

"So there's your answer." Jacqueline replied, casually. "He likes you, you like him."

"Yeah." i said. "That's my answer."

A smile bloomed at my lips with a hint of pain from my cut.

"That my answer!!" I cried. "Jacqueline you're a genius!!" I hopped off the stool, shocking her with a hug. I didn't even think.

"Woah, woah. You're not my brother-in-law yet, Changbin." She laughed.

we're getting really close to the end guys :((
it's been an experience writing this

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