part 18

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Felix pov @feelixlee

my head was so full so i went on a walk to a cafe close to my school. i considered this my little hangout because most people from our school would rather be caught dead then hanging out in a Tea Cafe.
I sat in the back, hidden in a booth. I took out my notebooks. Chan would've wanted to be here right now.

I tried to study but i kept thinking about how Changbin snapped at me. Like what? He had no reason to do that to me?

"Get a grip!" i thought to myself. I'm literally overthinking something that he probably doesn't even remember he did.

I focused back on my studies but the doorbell ringing brought me out of my thoughts. I slinked back in my booth as i spotted Hyunjin and Lauren walk in happily. i- since when?

I stayed slump down in my seat until they sat down, right in the both next to me. I wanted to leave, to yell at them, or something but it wouldn't make a difference.

I tried once more to study but i kept hearing their loud laughter. It was obvious that they were flirting with eachother. RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY SALAD TOO!

I wanted to leave, i was getting bored trying to study but i didn't want them to notice me. It just would make unecessary drama. I sat for a little while longer until Lauren went to the bathroom and Hyunjin went to the counter for a pastry. I snuck out the back door before anyone could see me.

I needed to tell Chan. He'd literally hate me but i can't have him look stupid trying to get with a girl who is way more interested in an emo bastard. I dialed his number.

"Hello." Chan's voice rang.
"uh hey Chan."
"you sound worried, what's wrong?"
I let out a nervous laugh. "i was just at the tea cafe and hyunjin and lauren walked into and" i paused, trying not to talk so fast, "and they were flirting and i just figured you should know because-"
A long sigh could be heard from the other side of the receiver, cutting me off.
"It's okay, felix. I'll talk to you later."
The line went dead and i shoved my phone in my pocket. Our call was barely 2 minutes.

Of course i felt bad. No, bad was an understatement, i felt horrible. Chan seemed so sad and it was all bitchass Lauren's fault. On the other hand, my not-really-planned plan was going better and faster than i thought. I'll tell jacqueline and she'll be happy for herself, angry at Lauren for hurting chan, but this also serves as an excuse for her to be extra lovey-dovey with Chan because he's sad or sum. Though, I'd need to remind her that she can't just jump into all of this because he's definitely hurt. Even if he saw it coming the whole time.

Why is it always me having to deal with others peoples relationships?

yeehaw or sumn
i waited a while because i thought i'd find better ideas for this chap. but oh well

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