part 26

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"Felix, can you please come with me." Jacqueline begged.
"C'mon Jac, i just sat down. Can't you just make something?"
"Theoretically yes, but that's too much work and i'm craving Pocky. I swear i'll be in and out, i promise."
"FINE! But only because i don't want you to get kidnapped."
"Oh boy, do i have the best brother ever!" She squealed in an almost sarcastic way.

"Isn't this close to your school?" Jacqueline wondered aloud. "Maybe you'll see someone you know."
"God, I hope not." That's the main reason i wasn't keen on accompanying Jacqueline. I did not need any more social interactions after i had been in school for 7 hours.
As we rounded the corner of the store building i noticed a familiar face through the window.
"Hey! It's Chan!" I called to Jac.
"Yeah look it's him." I pointed through the window.
I opened the door and Chans head lifted.
"Oi, Felix, what are you doing here?" He asked, walking over. "Oh hey Jacqueline."
"Jac forced me to join her in purchasing some unholy amounts of Pocky." I answered, gesturing to her beside me. Jacqueline let out a nervous giggle until she was interrupted by another voice.
"Pocky? I love Pocky." Changbin said from behind the counter. We all turned to look at him. I've been to this store plenty of times in the past months, how did i never notice him?
"Nice outfit," Chan remarked, bringing everyones attention back to him. Jacqueline's face heated with embarrassment as walked to the candy aisle. She was sporting a pair of fluffy sleeping pants and a long t-shirt.
I watched as Chan followed her, smiling. My plan seemed to be going accordingly. After a few minutes of browsing, Jacqueline handed me her selections. I was eager to get out of the aisle as Chan and her were sharing a cringey, flirty, conversation.
I brought the snacks to the counter and was almost suprised to see Changbin behind it. I had forgotten about his earlier remark. He began ringing up the items.
"Since when do you work here?" i asked.
"Since last week."
"Thanks for helping me." he said, putting down the scanner. "On the assignment, i mean."
"Oh no problem," I replied. "Really, it was you who did most of the work."
"Tuh, yeah. Is this your version of a compliment?"
My face heated up. Was it? "Only if you want it to be."
"They definitely wanna date eachother." Changbin stated, changing the topic. He was looking over at Chan and Jacqueline who were still hanging out in the same aisle as before.
"Hey! that's my sister, i don't want to hear that." I joked, making a disgusted face.
"I mean, it's obvious."
"Is it almost as obvious as Fancy being song of the year?" i challenged.
"Wait, wait, watch what i can do." Changbin said, grabbing his phone and holding it up to the stores speaker.
Suddenly TT started playing, and i began to laugh hysterically. Changbin really was something else. Who knew, under all the fake emo bullshit, he'd be a Twice stan.
"Don't laugh! I know you love it." but i couldn't help it, the irony of the situation was too much. "It's my favorite song, how dare you disrespect it like this!"
"I'm not disrespecting it." i wheezed. "I'm just shocked."
"Oh my god, Felix look." Changbin pointed to behind me. I turned around and was met with Chan and Jacqueline dancing together or rather Jacqueline teaching Chan the simple TT choreography and Chan butchering it horribly.
"You see that, i set that up." I turned to changbin, proudly. He smirked at me.
"Why haven't you set us up then?"
"What?" I blurted.
"Nothing." He shrugged, smiling to himself. But i had already heard him loud and clear.
I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Ready to go?" Jacqueline asked.
"Uh. yeah, one second." i answered, attempting to hide my flustered emotions. I turned back toward Changbin. "So how much-"
He shoved the boxes towards me. "You can just take them."
"Yes," he assured. "That's what friends do, right?"
"Yeah." I repeated back, "friends."
Me and Changbin exchanged smiles and i grabbed the snacks from the counter.
"C'mon Jacqueline, I got your stuff!" I called.
We headed to the door when Chan suddenly called out to Jacqueline, "Call me!"
I shook my head and looked down. Ugh, they're so cute i hate it.
A happy Jacqueline grabbed my arm and i led her out the door and back into the daylight.

A/N : I actually love this chapter so much<33 and thank you for all the support you guys are angels !!

Q/A : Whats an underrated kpop group that you stan and why?
(sounds like a test question i'm sorry)

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