part 33

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I studied myself in the bathroom mirror. Blood crusted over my cut lip, my temple sported a black and blue bruise. I laughed. I deserved this. I really did. I'm not mad at Chan. In fact, I'm mad at Hyunjin. If he hadn't poked his damn head into my buisness this wouldn't have happened.

I grabbed my beanie from the counter and brought it up to my nose. I probably looked crazy, sniffing a piece of fabric in the school bathroom after being beaten up. At this point, who cares.

It smelled just like felix. A warm, vanilla-like scent.

Why did i do this, i asked myself. Felix will never talk to me again. I feel worse than ever now. He was finally getting out of his shell and i just treated him like shit. I cant take back what i said. He wouldn't believe me. Chan always told me that Felix thought I was a player. I just proved him right. I didn't mean what i said, i just couldn't face him. In front of everyone.

I wanted to scream. Stupid, stupid, stupid, i repeated to myself.

I stood there, leaning over the sink counter and weighing my options. I could go back to class, deal with the stares and whispers and possibly the principal if some students snitched on me or i could just go home.

I sighed at the latter. Home sounds so good right now. I need to get out of here so i could think of a way to fix things.

"Maybe if you didn't fuck up in the first place you wouldn't need to." my brain countered.

Even if Felix never talks to me again i want to know that i at least tried.

I grabbed my things and stalked out the school doors and off campus.


Home seemed like a great idea until i saw my fathers SUV parked in the driveway. Skipping work, again? I put my beanie on to cover the bruise. As for my lip, i decided to leave it.

I entered quietly, hoping he'd be asleep. It wasn't until i passed the kitchen that i found he wasn't.

"Changbin? Is that you?" He called. I could hear the venom rising in his voice. I was in for it now. "Your fucking school just called. They told me you were in a fight." He walked over towards me, angry. He doesn't usually get this mad when my school calls. I stepped back, unsure of his next move.

"They also told me it was over a boy? Is this true? You fought over a fucking boy? Do you have something to tell me? Because i'll be damned if i ever and i mean ever see you with a boy."

I was at a loss for words. Although his words were vague, i knew what he was getting at. Those damn snitches. Not only did they get me in trouble, they spilled my whole life story. "It's not what you think. And it's none of your buisness."
"None of my buisness? I am your father. I have a right to know what goes on in this family and to tell you wrong from right."
I scoffed at this, "Are you serious? You're no father to me. All you do is argue with mom, skip work, and go out drinking. You shouldn't even be a part of this family. You wonder why i never talk to you, that's why. And 'tell me right from wrong' are you seriously that ignorant? Who cares if a boy likes another boy. It's love. Something you clearly know nothing about you homophobic piece of shit."
My father stumbled back as if slapped by my words. He faltered before returning to his angered state.
"Fine! If you want to kiss boys and be a shitty son then you can do that somewhere else. This is my household and i don't want you living it!"
"Fine, i hated living with you anyways, asshole." And with that i turned away and walked out the door. How could he call me a shitty son when i've done more for our family than him. Fucking asshole, i thought, while a hot tear roll down my cheek. The argument lasted less than five minutes but it was enough to instill me even more hatred for him.
I slammed the front door and was met with my mother. She was home on her lunch break.

She looked up, shocked, before huggging me close. I started crying. My world was crumbling.
"It's okay, it's okay." she whispered quickly. "What happened? Why aren't you at school?"
"I got into a fight and, and Dad. i stammered wiping my eyes. I needed to get out of here.
"Oh baby." her eyes filled with a familiar sorrow. "I am going to work things out for us, okay?" Was she finally going to leave him? "Just stay out here okay?"
i shook my head, "i can't, mom. I can't." At this point i was bawling silently.
She hugged me again before opening the door and walking inside.
I took a breath. I need to leave. I came here to think and escape but it only made me feel worse. But i had no where else to go. No home to come back too.
I just started to run, i didn't think. I just ran.

Yuh!! Gods menu is mf BOP they're working so hard im so proud. My stays, please keep streaming on yt and naver!! also voting for music shows !!

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(mines TA or blueprint)

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