Part 13

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I slammed the door closed at little louder than i thought and Jacqueline came down the stairs.

"Felix what the-" she started, angrily.


Her eyes softened at the sight of Chan in my arms. But then they turned back to a bitchy stare.

"Where have you been?" She whispered. For once she was angry i was coming home late.

"Party." I squeaked out.

"What happened to Chan?" She asked concerned.

"Umm.. that i don't know." I paused. "He got drunk and i had to drive him here."

"What were you doing?"

"You know, partying." I replied.

Jacqueline actually looked shocked. "Geez, stop staring at me like i can't have fun!" I whisper yelled. "Help me take him to my room."

So, me and Jacqueline lugged Chan up the stairs and onto the floor of my room.

Don't worry, we covered it in blankets so it'd be comfortable.

I went to the bathroom to change and get ready for bed. Before i entered my room i could see Jacqueline standing over Chan and watching him lovingly.

Yeah it sounds creepy but i could tell she really liked him. When she sees him she gets all bubbly and soft like a little kid. I totally ship it.

I was about to open the door more, but Jacqueline quickly and quietly slipped out without even seeing me.

When i walked in, Chan was slowly blinking his way back into reality. She didn't want him to see her.

"Where am i?" Chan slurred.

"It doesn't matter, go back to sleep." I replied.

"Oh hi Felix." He mumbled with a goofy smile. "When did you get here?"

I laughed, "go to sleep you airhead."

"I'll try." He muttered but then after a couple minutes he was lightly snoring.

I sat in my bed going over the nights events. I keep  thinking about how Changbin met me outside. Was he looking for me? Or was he just there. Did our kareoke performance happen spontaneously or was it all part of his plan to make me "have fun"?

It overwhelmed me. All of this thinking was more than i was used too. And gosh, was being social is exhausting.

Never again am i going to another party.

I woke up to a being hit in the stomach with a pillow.

"Ow that hurts stop." I mumbled, turning over.

"I'm hungry!" Chan shouted hitting me again. "Please make me something."

"If anything, you should be the one making me food." I replied pulling the covers over my face.

"But what if you're parents are in there?" Chan whined.

"They're already at work."

"Well still, i don't know how to cook."

"Oh my god Chan." I cried sitting up. "Go bother Jacqueline. I'm sure she'll make soemthing for you!"

Chan's eyes lit up and i hid a smile, "Will she?"

"Yes" i answered as he ran out of the room all giddy.

When did i become the best matchmaker?

After a couple minutes i saw Chan run past my door and heard him jump down the stairs followed by a sluggish Jacqueline who stumbled her way down the stairs.

"Welcome to Chan's Kitchen!" I heard him call.

"And Jacqueline's too!" I heard my sister exclaim.

I tried to fall back to sleep but i just couldn't in fear of the both of them burning down the house.

Instead i slowly got dressed and joined them.

When i walked into the kitchen, Chan and Jacqueline were working side by side. Jacqueline was dumping in different ingredients and Chan was happily mixing them. They both had big smiles and were lightly laughing.

"So much for a hangover?" I called out.

Chan, too engrossed in his cooking didn't reply.

"He must have high tolerance." Jacqueline answered.

"Yet he still couldn't take himself home. I wonder why.." i said winking at Jacqueline and she just rolled her eyes. But her smile said it all.

"I wasn't that drunk to be honest." Chan finnaly butted in as if he was in the conversation the whole time . "I just didn't feel like doing anything so i brought it upon you to take care of me."

"Selfish jerk! Never again am i going to another party!" I cried hitting him with a dish rag.

"Well from the looks of it, you enjoyed yourself last night." Chan came back slyly. "I have videos."

"How! You weren't even there! You were drinking your life away!"

"Everybody sent me the video" Chan replied nonchalantly.

"Wait, what happened?" Jacqueline cut in.

"Your brother did a special duet with Changbin." Chan answered .

"But i thought you didn't like him! YOU LIAR!"

"Wait a minute." I yelled. "It wasn't a 'special' duet. He just forced me to sing What Is Love with him."

"So he knows your favorite song?" Jacqueline inquired.

"I don't know! Can we please stop talking about it!" I groaned putting my head down.

"Geez fine, get the plates then."

I walked to the cabinet and i heard Jacqueline giggle to Chan,

"I totally ship it."

"Hey! I heard that!" I called.

Writing this chapter was an actual mess omg
But here!!
Ugh i love me some good ChanLix 🤠🤠

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