Chapter 3

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Dedicated to :- princessomisa for being such a loyal friend and reader!

Sean's POV

"Well, there's something you should know."
She said.

I was curious now.

"Is it about your favorite school gatekeeper?"
I asked amused.

"First, his name is Anthony and second, no, it's not. It's actually...about your cousin."
She told me hesitantly.

"What about him?"
I was completely serious now.

"He...came home this morning."
She told me quietly.

I was confused.

"What was he doing there?"
I asked, tensed.

"Just asking if we could start over things?"
She told me as if being careful if she was telling me the right thing.

"What did you say?"
I asked.

"What could I say? I told him that we could."
She told me, knowing my reaction.

"Leila. Don't."
I told her sternly.

"Listen, it's not like I'm saying he's all good now or something. But, he was sorry so I told him that we could be friends."
She said.

"Leila. He is not safe to be friends with. I can't believe you agreed. I don't want you anywhere near him."

"Sean, I'm not trusting him. Okay? If he's keeping up a good guy act then I'll keep up my nice friend act. Besides, I still have this hunch that he's a freak, and my guard is up. Really."
She was trying to convince me.

But, she was my mate. I could kill for her but not let her take the risk to get herself killed.

"Leila no. He might be a murderer for all I know!"
I was trying my best to stop her.

It was weird how till yesterday, she was the one who told me he might be a murderer, and now, she was the one being friends with him.

"Okay, okay. But, I'm not going to tell him that we're enemies."
She told me as she huffed.

I told her with a sigh.
Then there was a silence.

Sometimes, silences were good.

We both said together and chuckled.

"I have a meeting to attend."
I told her with a smile.

"And I have a school to attend."
She said and it was obvious that she was smiling too.

"Bye. Love you."
I told her.

"Love you too. Bye."
She said and ended the call.

I leaned back on my leather black chair when I remembered, I really had a meeting.

Hurriedly, I went to the Meeting Room.

Everyone was all ready.

So the meeting began.


The meeting was over and I had completed a huge bunch of undone files.

I yawned as I noticed it was starting to get darker.

I had to go back home for the dinner. Leila would be waiting for me too as I had to drop her back home.

I rushed to my car and drove to home.

And So It All Begins... Again [Book 2] Where stories live. Discover now