Chapter 14

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Sean's POV

I dropped the call and went to Max's office. He was sitting there in his table with his head dipped in on the table.

I felt sorry for that poor guy. Vampires are not easy.

The both girls and we both guys belonged to summer-winter different seasons. We had come together but I saw no good coming out of it.

Leila and Emily would never in a century understand what we feel.

They actually think this mates relationship as an ordinary girlfriend-boyfriend relationship.

Though, being mates is something much more serious and sacred.

You don't have the option to just breakup 'cause you think you guys aren't working out.

At the end of the day, it'll always be a mere opinion but maybe Leila was right, we were narrow minded. But I don't mind being one. It's within me.

"Hey, lover boy. Get up."
I sighed lightly.

He looked up and replied in a daze,
"From the past few days, I had decided that when I'd finally get Em back again, I'd tell her how much I love her and I missed her."

I just looked at him with a stoned-sympathetic look.

"I'd apologize for being a jerk and I'd tell her that though she likes that Mr.No-good-pieces-of-bones, I respect her and I'll give her enough time to gradually seep into this bloody World of Blood and Fangs."

I nodded gently and he looked at me with disgust and added,
"She didn't even bother staying there. How the hell would I get a chance to tell her all of that?"

"Honestly man, you're really brave. It would've taken every ounce of me to tell that to Leila.

But you look all set up. She's your mate, don't just give up on that. She is yours and at the end of the day, she will remain yours."
I assured him as I walked to him and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"To be honest, you and Leila have this talent of pulling out each other's hair and still staying together."
He said with a chuckle.

As I thought about it, I couldn't disagree. We were fighting almost all the time but still we never ever just bailed out on each other.

Let's just say that Leila and I were one of those couples who'd kill each other in a room and spend the whole eternity mourning, never leaving each other's side.

I giggled and told him,
"We still have some interrogation to do. I've called the officers and Kyle will be here in a few minutes."

"Where is he by the way? We brought him to office then what happened? Sorry, I didn't catch up."

When Max, Kyle and I got to office, Max was so devastated that he just barged into his office.

"That's okay. I sent him to the officers. They'll be here in a short while."

He sighed with a scoff.


"What were you doing there?"
The officer asked with a stern voice and a straight face.

Only Max, Kyle, the officer and I were here in the basement of my house.

Like every house in horror movies has a basement where something creepy had happened, similarly the basement in my house was full of dark secrets.

It was my personal tormenting arena. Though, now with Leila around, it probably wouldn't serve its purpose and end up being just a basement.

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