Chapter 20

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Sean's POV

"What is this?"
I asked as I slammed the file on the conference table.

"S-sir, after carrying out the whole investigation, we've come to the conclusion that Mr. Kyle Straight had not attacked you that day.

'As you already know that we ran a DNA test to find out who's blood it was that day and we found that the attacker wasn't Mr. Kyle but actually another vampire called Michael Drogg."

A forensic scientist told me, barely having the confidence to speak till the end.

"What do you know about this Michael?"
I asked firmly.

"He has a mate and an 8 years old son. His origins are in the Wild Heights. He used to work for a Human Assassination Team."
As soon the Ranger officer said 'human assassination team', my mind rushed to Leila.

"However, due to new laws, that team had to be abandoned and as a result, he was out of money. So, in order to gain money, he started off with minor crimes like just pocket-picking and robbing a bank every now and then.

'With time, he started participating in major crimes like kidnapping and sometimes murder.

'For a very long time, our officers have been trying to capture him but he always goes into hiding. We even tried to keep a close eye on his family but we've noticed that his mate and son almost have no connection with him.

'However, he sends them money every quite often through different bank accounts each time.

'We, as a team, believe that he attacked you that day for money which may be given by Mr. Kyle but unfortunately, we don't have any solid proof."
He explained to me calmly as he kept on folding the pages of the file.

"So you mean, there's still a chance that Kyle is behind the attack?"
I confirmed with a squinted eye.

Suddenly, the officer looked pale and nervous. He glanced at everyone else in the room and then replied,
"We aren't sure, Sir. But, there's still a possibility."

I nodded and my anger flushed away. It meant that Kyle wasn't completely innocent. He might've had his dirty work done by someone else.

"It's seems very difficult to confirm whether Kyle was behind all of this or not."
Max said as he frowned.

"Maybe, if we somehow find Michael, we can get the confirmation out of him."
Max proposed.

"Yes Sir, indeed. But, this task is very difficult. This guy, Michael, has been unseen for years. We can't even confirm if he's even alive or not."
Another officer said.

"You're right, I get your point. But just because it's difficult it doesn't mean that we can let such dangerous people wander freely out there. Take your time. We aren't rushing but the sooner the better."
I tried to raise my morale.

"I feely truly debtful because of all of your efforts. Thank you."
I told them softly.

They all nodded but it was clear from the tensed air that no one walking out would be calm or relaxed.

"This is a moment of crises, ladies and gentlemen. We, as a team, must make sure that the security of those who depend on us, is kept tight."
My mind just again and again rushed to Leila.

Maybe Kyle had Emily kidnapped, and if he could reach out to Emily so easily, what were the chances that Leila was safe around him.

It seemed like with every passing day, fate gave me reasons to keep him away from me and my family. Each reason more serious than the former.

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