Chapter 23

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Sean's POV

For a few times, she struggled against me but then gave in and I was over clouds for finally having some sort of physical contact with her. For it was my only hope.

She still ate hesitantly but at least, she was now trying to eat something.

Though, she still didn't bother glancing at me for once.


The dinner was over with occasional small talks between the elders.

By the looks of it, Leila hadn't told Emily and I was glad she didn't.

Max and Emily would pass each other some small smiles every now and then.

Honestly, I did feel a ping of jealousy but it was my idea to not come in the first place, therefore. I was the one who deserved the punishment. Not Max.

I was the Vampire King. Always thinking strategically, calculating the events and logically deriving their consequences was not only my responsibility for my kingdom but now a part of my instinct as a Supernatural.

Then, how come I couldn't assume Leila's outburst?

Now, coming to think of it, I couldn't believe myself for being so irresponsible and unrealistic.

Everyone had dispersed by now. Mainly, the elders were inside probably guessing how weirder things could get in our lives.

Zack was also with them. It was so clear how he knew that Max and I needed to be with our mates, alone, to resolve an issue.

I did feel bad for Zack, as if Max and I had snatched his friends but the sense of pride hit me sooner than I could think of it to.

Leila was my mate, and that was way more sensitive and important than the friendship between Zack and her.

Emily and Max were in the kitchen, helping to manage the dirty dishes while Leila and I were still outside, taking the dirty dishes to the kitchen.

She didn't talk to me and her ignorant behavior arose an oblivious tornado of emotions in me.

I was annoyed because of her childish act but I did find it cute somewhere in me, she acted like she wouldn't forgive me until I pulled my ears.

Then, I was happy that at least she cared that I did exist and wanted me to feel belonged – something I might have felt only for countable times.

I was guilty for causing such an unwanted fight between Leila and me.

But it also enraged me, why was she mad at me when I was here?

I couldn't decide which emotion to rely on but one thing I was sure about, I had to make it up to her.

I mumbled as I eyed her intently.


Leila's POV

I could see Sean being guilty putting an effort to gain a silent apology from me.

Not lying, I was beyond glad and relieved that they had finally decided to drop their unreasonable intention of not coming over but deciding to show up.

I hadn't told Emily 'cause I knew that whatever I said, had stirred something inside Sean.

A few months back, I could ganruntee that Sean would't have paid attention to my words, instead he would feel offended and wait for the perfect moment to get back at me.

But now, we we're beyond that rocky race of pulling each other down. Now, we and taken many steps further - together. We had become more serious and responsible and somehow more sensitive regarding each other.

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