Chapter 11

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Emily's POV

It had been days since I was kept here. I was all alone.
Sometimes, I could feel a presence close by but not a single soul I could see.

Everyday, I'd wake up to find a glass of water and a plate of food for me.

It was weird, as if you knew that your fairy God Mother was watching over you, whether you saw her or not, but in my case, it was like the devil was watching over me.

I would scream and cry. I missed Max, Leila and Zack and everyone else.

It was like I was standing at the brink of an uncertain land where I could fall on taking yet another step.

I was sitting in one corner of the small, wooden cabin. Suddenly, I heard sounds of heavy footsteps and an authoritative voice yelling to someone.

Then, I heard a thrashing noise as if something rigid was hit against something like a wall or a floor.

I was terrified as a nauseous blend of positive and negative emotions swirled inside me. I was fully running on assumptions right now.

I was expecting it was someone who'd come to let me be free but at the same time, I was nervous what if it was a crazy killer on hunt.

I started sweating and somehow breathing became difficult. Everything around me seemed predatory. Even the walls seemed harmful.

However, no one entered the cabin and it was silent for a long time but I could sense the heaviness in the air.

Suddenly, terrifying me to death, the door of the cabin banged open as someone came flying.

I shrieked as I hid more into the corner.

An unfamiliar muscular figure was standing in the doorway while the other person fell down with a loud bang. That person was almost unconscious.

I was now sobbing heavily and sweating. My heartbeat rate was immeasurable. I started screaming, not knowing whether to call someone for help or 'cause of the terror of that unfamiliar figure.

That figure came standing close to me in a swish with a horrible face. He was a Vampire - had to be.

A drop of sweat fell off his right brow as he smothered me. It was like I was in quick sand, the harder I tried to free myself from that beast, the more entangled I got.

My situation was so delicate that I knew, this villianary figure could flatten my lifeline any moment now.

I don't know why, his expression turned all soft and sympathetic and he said in a whisper,
"Let me help you."

My breaths were cut short and my eyes were widened with fear.

Should I trust him?
Do I have another choice?

When I didn't give a particular response, his brows started to get deepened.

I couldn't fear anything more. Like the beast was revealing its true colors. Before the beast could reveal his plan of snapping my neck, I nodded my head vigorously.

Both of our attention shifted to the whimpering man, trying to come back to consciousness.


I sat in the corner of the room, fearing him more than death. He punched the unconscious man and he woke up.

Who does that?!

The unfamiliar guy who punched the other one seemed really strong and...aggressive. His body frame was very frightening, fully trained and ready to kill anyone at anytime.

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