Chapter 30

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Last chapter!!!!

Sean's POV

"Have you tracked him yet?" Max, I and officers were driving towards our destination.

"The officers are on their way to the Dungeons of Ordeal." The officer's voice was heavy and unfriendly.

"Good." And with that, the formal conversation between us ended.

As I saw the mango trees swishing across my view from the window, my mind constantly wandered off to Leila and I didn't like it.

While at work, I wanted to just work but I couldn't help it.

She's going to be upset when she hears that I was, indeed, right about that crooked, nasty loaf.

She wanted to believe that he wasn't as wicked and sinister as I had explained to her if I had exaggerated. She was expecting that the friendly, swaggy demeanor he tried to give off was true. That he was really the 'cool guy who made some mistakes in the past'.
Wrong she was.

But at least, she was going to be safe now. Safe from this long, prying evil who always threatened me. He was a snarky snake. Bastard.

My train of thoughts had to pull off as our car came to a smooth but sudden halt.

The sand beneath our feet swirled as soon as Max and I got off. The Sun was shining abnormally, too brightly, giving no euphoric sense of life but to sear the past.

Lush green trees were nowhere to be beheld similar to an abandoned and unpopulated desert. Neither was any living animal except for an eagle whose screeches were echoing on the tense grounds.

With the first step into the dungeons, the odor of blood and sweat hit me like a dagger. Screams so many and too loud, that made one assume they'd be deaf with the next tick of the clock.

The Dungeons of Ordeal was actually a huge compound of numerous small units. Each unit having cells which held prisoners.
All the units were at a great distance that a prisoner rotting inside a cell would assume that they are alone with 3 of 4 others only. The whole compound was confined with large metal gates which were impossible to cross through jumping off.

A guard, wearing a finely ironed brown uniform with bulky muscles and dark skin tone, escorted us to a particular cell, apart from all the other cells.

Here, no unnecessary sound could be heard. Neither the screeches of an eagle nor the cries of agony of crazy prisoners.

It was a room assigned only for the private tasks.

Max looked at me with a wrinkled forehead. He wasn't scared or afraid of what was to happen; he was just a little nervous and so was I.

It seemed as if the next thirty to sixty minutes we're going go to be too intense to be handled nonchalantly.

In the middle of the impressively tidy room was a metal and, not to be missed, dented table along with a few stiff and quite uncomfortable metal chairs.

All the pieces of furniture were so rusty that on moving, it was crystal clear, they'd drive someone insane due to creaking.

None of us sat, standing impatiently. That's how severe the mood was.

A thudding knock class heard after fifteen minutes.
I could sense all the officers passing each other that final, prepared glance before wearing that fearless, defined posture again.

"Enter." The authority was loud and clear in my tone.

As the door opened, in came Kyle walking ever so gracefully along with a few officers; who all seemed unfriendly and hostile.

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