Chapter 9

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Sean's POV

"No, no! Everything will be alright. Just tell me where you are."
I told Max and Leila looked at me with sympathy.

"I'm okay."
He whispered. I stood up in worry.

"Max-" I started but he cut me off and continued,
"Don't worry about me. I won't do anything stupid. Take care of Leila."

He told me and I looked at my feet in guilt and defeat.

I'm not a good friend, I'm not a good mate. I'm just a blood leech.
I told myself.

Max sniffled and told me,
"We'll find her. That's what I'm going to do."

His voice was full of determination and confidence.

I nodded my head though I knew he couldn't see me and then said to him,
"Okay. Call me if you..." I trailed off 'cause I didn't know what to say further.

"Just call me." I finished and hung up.

I sat down back and Leila was looking at me with such a soft expression that I just wanted to run to her and hug her tightly to tell her that I'd make everything perfect but I resisted.

She looked away and started staring the view again.

What could she be thinking of?

I was just thinking when the doorbell rang. Leila looked at me again knowing it was Dr. Smith. I stood up and went downstairs.

Blair and Dr. Smith were arguing over something so I stepped in.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Sir-" Blair started but Dr. Smith cut her off.

"This young lady here is saying that she's not the one to be treated." He scoffed.

"She is not, Doctor." I replied while narrowing my eyes.

Dr. Smith opened his mouth again and again and continued,
"Why so? She looks sick." He told her with a glare.

Blair felt embarrassed and she tucked her blonde hair strand behind her ear.

Her unnatural smartness and polite way could force anyone to think so.

"Well, the sick one's upstairs." I told him softly and he followed me.

We entered the room and Leila walked out of the washroom while wiping her wet face with towel. She threw the towel on the bed and sat down there.

"Well, well. What do we have here?"
Dr. Smith commented and I looked at him slowly, a little unsure of what he meant but maybe Leila got 'cause she looked at him with a hint of anger.

He shrugged his shoulders and walked to her. I stood behind with my hands stuffed in my pockets. Leila didn't even glance at me for once.

I was stubborn too so I kept on staring Leila while Dr. Smith examined her.

He checked her temperature, which was definitely burning in anger and checked her sugar and blood pressure.

"Okay, no worries kiddo. I've got it. Just some medicines and you drive away."
He said in his lively language.

Leila looked at him with boredom.

"Wish I could do something about that."
He whispered referring to Leila.

I was worried about Emily, Max and most of everyone, Leila, but still I couldn't help but smile a little at Dr. Smith's compliment.

Leila looked at me with an arched eyebrow and I shrugged my shoulders amused.

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