Chapter 15

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Sean's POV

I went upstairs leaving Max and Emily alone.
I heard a thudding sound and I knew it was my clumsy Leila.

Following where the sound came from, I got to Leila's room.

Leila must miss her bedroom.

But my bedroom is much bigger and cozy, why would she miss this one?

Then again, there's so much about Leila that always comes to me as something new.

The door was open and I slightly peeked in. I saw that Leila was making a disgusted face and sitting on her bed while caressing her ankle.

"Did you just learn walking yesterday?"
She scolded herself.

I didn't know how to disclose my presence so I simply called her name,

She looked up at me and got stuck.

Honestly, I was expecting a huge smile and a dramatic I've-missed-you-more-than-you-can-imagine hug but instead of that, she said,

" of a sudden?"

Honestly, that was so amusing. That expression of confusion plastered on her face could be saved in a museum.

"Well... Max and I were missing our mates so we came by."
I said.

"Oh, come here."
She said with a smile and patted the place next to her on the bed.

Literally, Leila's one foot was hanging while she was sitting on the other foot.

I walked to the place next to her and sat down.

"Why were you scolding yourself?"
I asked seriously, trying to hide my giggle.

"I was getting up from the bed when I, myself, banged my ankle on the bedside."
She said with a sigh.

"Yeah, it must be hard for you to handle yourself. I can understand."
I said lifelessly and she just frowned.

Then she slapped me on my forearm and the sassy Leila came back,
She rolled her eyes and I just giggled.

"Where does it hurt?"
I asked since I was genuinly worried for her.

She whispered and showed me her ankle where a bruise was forming.

The bruise was of deep blue at a certain point.

I wanted to touch but I don't know why I was a little scared. Maybe because I knew that it would hurt Leila.

It was one of many reasons why I hated humans. Just a small hit and you've got marks and bruises.

"It's okay. It'll be fine."
I mumered trying to assure Leila.
But, internally I was at war with myself for not taking any drastic measures for her bruise.

"Of course, it's just a small bruise. It'll be gone in no time."
She said and pulled her foot back.

It seemed as if she was assuring me instead of me assuring her.

I just hummed in response.

We both were quiet and feeling complete.

How beautiful it would've been if it was only Leila and me.

Suddenly, Leila just threw her head on my shoulder and sighed loudly with shutting her eyes.

"Are you tired?"
I asked after giving her a kiss on her forehead.

"Not more than you."
She replied and hugged my arm.

Her those words made me believe that the sole person I was doing it all for, knew how much special she is to me.
She could see my efforts and my exhaustion, that was all I needed.

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