Chapter 18

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Sean's POV

"Okay, so shall we begin?"
I asked not to get everyone's permission but to get their attention.

"Lorenzo, kindly begin."
I ordered.

Alphas of all the Werewolf packs were present on this meeting along with the whole Wolf pack which was seeking permossion to enter my kingdom. Max was also there.

"Well, as we all know that a new Wolf pack, is seeking permission to enter pur kingdom as permant residents so I shall introduce them as well."
I honestly just wanted to go back home and get some sleep. My head was aching like it was going to explode any moment.

"This is Alpha Jazz and his Beta Jordan. Their pack is rather small and naive but a strong one."
Lorenzo looked at me and I gave him a nod.

He looked over to Alpha Jazz and signalled him. So, he stood up.

"Hello, my name is Jazz DeCraig. I'm from American-African descendant.
Unfortunately, my parents were killed during a fight with another pack and I had to take the huge responsibility of my pack at a young age of 25.
My pack and I wanted to move in within this kingdom, because as Alpha Lorenzo has already mentioned, we want to be surrounded with loyal and trustworthy people so in the mean time, our pack could grow to become wiser and more experienced. With all due respect, please grant us the permission."

Jazz looked really younger than his real age. He did seem naive and a newbie but the way he spoke with so responsibility, impressed me.

Jazz had thick blonde hair and a nice brownish skin tone. His eye color was a somewhere between brown and black.
He was wearing a black button up shirt with black pants, showing off his authority.

"Okay then, I must ask you a few questions. I wanr your answers to be clear amd undoubtful."
I told him and he just nodded.

"Has your pack ever been involved in a crime? According to the the Supernatural and the Human World?"
I asked him.

"No Sir, we haven't been involved in anything illegal."
He replied with confidence.

"I am the King of this Kingdom, this kingdom works the way I want it to. Will you and your pack be able to follow my commands without queries and hesitation."

"We are well aware about the fact that your family has been ruling over this kingdom since years, Sir. We made the decision to move in here with our will and we accept you as our king. We will surely not allow any of our pack's member to disobey you."
His answers were quite convincing and wise. It's like me knew just when to speak what.

"What if someone of your pack defies my laws?"
I was trying to make sure that he wasn't trying to play smart.

"He shall be punished according to the penalty you give him, Sir. Or if you please, I, as the Alpha, will myself handle him."
Jazz was a young but an authorative Alpha. He know he was representing his whole package and so the heavy words he spoke reminded me how I felt when I became the King at a young age.

I sighed and looked around. Max gave me a glance and began,

"We want to be as civilized as possible. If we allow you to enter, it means we accept you and your pack."

Jazz just nodded in response.

"So Lorenzo, what do you have to say?"
I asked the Governor.

"Your Majesty, I think if we let Alpha Jazz and his pack enter our kingdom, we'll be opening doors of power and wisdom. This pack is small and has a long way to go. If we let them enter, we'll have a new youth, new strength. This way, we can shape them in a way we want them."
Lorenzo was so convinced that I was sure he had made up his mind even before the meeting.

"Anyone else's opinion?"
I announced.

"Your Majesty, I think it will be wise to let them enter as with the help of their young Wolves, we'll be able to promote the interaction between the younger generation of every Supernatural species. As we all intend to aim our strength in unity, I think promoting a stronger bond between youths will prove to be very fruitful in future."
Alpha Caleb spoke.

I guess, he was Zack's father. Rumors had it that he wasn't on very good terms with his son.

"I agree with Alpha Caleb."
Max added.

"Anyone who disagrees?"
I asked in a loud voice but everyone shook their heads.

"With everyone's consent, I, King Sean Ryan Strigoi of the Wild Heights, allow the Lunar Pack under the leadership of Alpha Jazz Decraig to enter my kingdom. From now on, I as the King, vow to never treat them an an outcast in my kingdom but rather feel welcomed."
I formally made things official and then stamped on some documents.

"Say your vow."
Lorenzo interested Jazz as he handed him a document with the vow written over it.

Jazz read the vow and then signed on some other documents.

Signatures from all attendees were taken and the meeting was over.


Kyle's POV

I slammed him hard against the wall.

He was grunting in pain but it was his fault.

"How dare you show me your face again?! We had a deal in case you forgot."
I yelled at him.

My nose was violently flaring up in anger and my eyes were going from red to black as I tried to go easy on him.

"I-I didn't want to return,
my-myself. But, I-I need your he-help."
He pleaded as I continied to choke him with my iron first on his throat.

"What help?! You're back to cause troubles for me?!"
I again almost lost my temper.

"K-Kyle, remember, I st-still have you-r secret. Please, hel-help me."
He could barely speak now.

"I gave you what you asked for! What is it now?!"
I did ask him but I didn't want him to answer.

"I-I need money. A-and a place t-to hide."
He told me.

"Where's the money I gave you? And why do you want to hide? Tell me!"
I just wanted to finish him already. He was getting on my nerves now.

"I-I killed a vampire and now her fa-family's after me. A-and I've run out of your money."
He replied and I ungripped his throat. He started coughing like a 80 years old.

I smirked demonically and snickered,
"That's not how the World works, Joshua. A deal's a deal."

"But-But I have your secret. I-I'll tell everyone. I'll tell Sean that it was really you who attacked him. You-you'll be doomed."
He raised his voice as panic washed over him.

"You're right. You are my secret keeper. What do I do know?"
I mockingly said as I circled around him.

I raced to him and clenched his throat in my hand. My hold was so strong that I swear, I could see his eye sockets.

"But if the secret keeper dies, so does the secret. I'm sorry for you. I really am. But trust me, I'm doing a good thing for you. Rest In Peace."

And then my grip kept on tightening until he was dead.


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