Chapter 10

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Tyler woke up before Josh, going downstairs and helping his mom with dinner.

"Can I ask you for advice?" He asked her quietly. He was always incredibly soft spoken.

"Of course, honey," Kelly smiled. "What's up?"

"Well, ok... um... while you were gone, Josh and I tried to um... tried to..."

"Have sex?"

"Y-yeah. A-and we were just kind of having fun a-and getting started when he forgot to give me my cannula back a-and eventually I got it and he kept apologizing over and over and over again. A-and he feels really bad. I-it's happened a couple of times. I-I don't know what to do," Tyler said.

"Tyler, you shouldn't be taking the cannula off unless you absolutely have to," Kelly said. "And you only absolutely have to when you're showering."

"I-I know, momma, but sometimes I-I... I just want to be a normal teenager. I-I only take it off for a minute or two. T-then it goes right back on. I-I promise."

"I know, honey," Kelly said softly, kissing his forehead. "I know you want to be a normal teenager. And I wish more than anything I could give that to you, but we really, really can't be messing with your health. Especially with something like sex. You have to keep it on, sweetheart."

Tyler sighed, playing with his fingers as he always did when he was sad.

"As for Josh," she said. "He's gonna feel that way. He's gonna feel sad and guilty whenever the slightest thing goes wrong that he had anything to do with. He loves you so much, he just wants to protect you and keep you safe. Just keep reminding him you love him and that you're okay. He always grows out of it, right?"

Tyler nodded. "I just wish we could... do stuff... like normal couples and not have a stupid heavy oxygen tank that has to be hauled around everywhere and a cannula that gets tangled every 15 seconds."

"Yeah, but that makes it more special, right? And you know he loves you because he's willing to push all that stuff aside to just be near you."

Tyler shrugged.

"And, i mean, he asked you to marry him. He wants to spend the rest of his life with you at 17. Not many guys your age feel that way about who they're dating."

"He wants to spend the rest of my life with me," Tyler said. "He knows I'm supposed to die at 25. And we both agreed to just stop acting like it but it's true. I don't want to leave my husband at 25 all alone. Because you and I both know he never will want to find someone else again. I don't want him to die alone, mom. I don't want to be the reason he's single for the rest of his life."

"You've always broken the rules, you know," Kelly said. "The books said you weren't supposed to live past two months. Five months later you were screaming and giggling just fine. The books then said you weren't supposed to live past two. You were waddling around in your overalls perfectly okay at three. The books said you weren't supposed to live past five. Then eight, then ten, then 13, then 15. And here you are, 17 years old, engaged! To be married! Every rule in the book of health, you've broken. And I expect you to continue doing so. And so do the doctors. They just legally aren't allowed to say it."

Tyler sat on the kitchen counter, looking at his lap.

"You and Josh are going to spend the rest of your lives together. And you're going to live a long, amazing life, Tyler. I know you are."

Tyler hugged his mom tightly, Kelly smiling and hugging him back.

He got off the counter and started to go upstairs to tell Josh dinner was ready, but Josh was on his way down the stairs once Tyler was towards the middle.

"Baby? Baby, why are you walking up the stairs alone?" Josh asked, immediately rushing to his side. "What happened? Are you ok? Are we going to the hospital? O-oh, gosh, where's your hospital bag?"

"I'm fine, Joshua," Tyler giggled softly. "I just came to tell you dinner's ready."

"Oh," Josh said, letting out a breath of relief.

Tyler leaned forward and kissed his lips softly. "I love you. Do you love me?"

"I love you more than anything," Josh said.

They walked back downstairs hand in hand, eating dinner with Tyler's mom at the kitchen table.

"Is dad not eating with us?" Tyler asked.

"He has an emergency meeting called in California," Kelly replied. "He'll be back next week."

"Ok," Tyler said quietly.

He hadn't seen his dad in almost a month. He was always working. He missed him a lot.

"Can we maybe go to your house later?" Tyler asked Josh.

"Yeah, totally," Josh nodded.

He knew sometimes Tyler just liked being places that weren't his own house. Especially when he wanted to not be reminded of something, like his dad.

"Is that ok?" Tyler asked his mom.

"What? Of course," Kelly said. "Why wouldn't it be?"

"I dunno," Tyler shrugged. "Sometimes you like me watching movies with you after dinner."

"You two go to Josh's house," she smiled softly, placing both her hands over one of his. "Tell Laura we need to catch up sometime."

Tyler nodded. "Thanks for dinner, momma."

"Yeah, thank you, Kelly," Josh smiled gratefully, doing all the dishes.

He was incredibly helpful.

Afterward Tyler and Josh went to Josh's house, Tyler spending some time with his family but eventually needing to lie down.

Josh immediately helped him upstairs and into his room, making him comfortable in his bed.

"I'm gonna brush my teeth real quick," Josh said. "I'll be right back."

Tyler nodded, waiting in Josh's bed for him to return.

He came back a few minutes later, snuggling with him and holding him tightly.

"Do you need anything?" Josh asked.

Tyler shook his head.

Josh nodded. "Just wake me if you do. I love you."

"I love you too," Tyler responded.

They kissed each other's lips then were out like lights.

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