Chapter 42

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"Joshua," Tyler hummed with a wide smile.

"What?" Josh asked sleepily.

"I love youuuu."

"I love you too, honey," Josh replied to the boy who was sitting on top of him.

"Also I ordered waffles so here," Tyler said, setting the tray down on Josh's chest.

"Thank you, baby," Josh said. "I think I'm gonna try to get just a tiny bit more sleep. Jet lag is hitting me hard this time."

"Ok," Tyler hummed, kissing his cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby."

"Let me know if you need me to get you anything," Tyler said.

"I will. Thank you, love."

And with that, Josh fell back asleep.

Tyler stayed in bed next to him for an hour. Then two hours, then three hours, then four, then five.

It was already 2pm. He decided he would go out to lunch. He got dressed and made sure his oxygen was ready before grabbing a cab and going to the cute lunch place he had spotted on the way to the hotel the first night.

He went inside and treated himself to whatever he wanted, even though he did that every time.

It was his first time eating out somewhere alone since he and Josh had even been in a relationship.

It was cool, but he also really, really missed Josh. He wanted someone to hold his hand and talk to.

And a few minutes later, his wish was granted.

"Hey, baby," Josh said, pulling out the chair across from Tyler. "Sorry I slept so long."

"Josh," Tyler smiled widely. "H-how'd you know I was here?"

"You still have my phone set up to where whenever we're more than 10 miles apart I get a text saying where you are because you're worried you'll be kidnapped," Josh chuckled.

"Oh yeah," Tyler hummed. "Hm. Well. I already ate, but you should get something. The tomato bisque was really good."

"Oooh, that does sound really good right now," Josh said, looking at the menu. "I think I'll get that and a sandwich."

So Josh ordered his food and ate while Tyler enjoyed just getting to sit and talk with him.

"I think," Josh hummed with a grin, taking Tyler's hand in his own. "We should get some cookies and hot chocolate and take them back to our suite and snuggle up next to the fireplace with them."

"I think that is a lovely idea," Tyler smiled, blushing as Josh kissed his hand.

They purchased their sweets and got a taxi back to the hotel, doing exactly as planned.

They got into the bed, the blankets over them as they snuggled up. Tyler was getting sleepy, the jet lag starting to hit him.

"I'm gonna take a nap, Joshie," he said, softly kissing Josh's cheek before lying down more.

"Ok," Josh said. "Sleep well, honey. I love you."

"I love you too," Tyler hummed with a smile before drifting into his dreamland.


A few hours later, Josh was waking up.

He was confused, because the last thing he remembered was Tyler falling asleep, not him. But then he realized he must have drifted off as well.

He looked around for Tyler, not seeing him but hearing the shower was on.

For the second time in two days, he stripped his clothes and joined his husband, having shower sex for the first time ever.

Josh had to hold Tyler afterward because his legs were too weak from orgasm, chuckling as he started to hear Tyler snoring as he washed his hair for him.

"TyTy," he said softly. "Wake up. We've gotta put clothes on you."

Tyler yawned and shook his head. "Just keep me naked."

"Fine by me," Josh smirked. He carried Tyler back to the bedroom, lying down in bed with him.

Just as he started to kiss Tyler's neck, he heard snores.

He chuckled and lied back down, holding him in his arms as the beautiful boy slept.


Tyler woke up a couple hours later.

"I had a dream," he yawned softly.

"What was your dream, baby?" Josh asked.

"We had a baby."

"Oh. That's cool. Do you wanna have a baby some day?"

"No, like, I birthed the baby."

"Oh," Josh said. "Wait... how does that... how does... how would... How would that work?"

"I dunno. I just pushed it out and we had it. It was a girl. She was a cool baby."

"Really?" Josh hummed.

Tyler nodded. "She liked to snuggle and she looked a lot like you."

"Aww, she sounds like a cool baby."

"Yeah," Tyler said.

"Do you wanna have a baby sometime?"

Tyler shook his head. "I don't wanna have to share you."

Josh chuckled and nodded. "I don't wanna have to share you either."

"Can we go to Waffle House when we get back to the US?"

"Um... sure?"

"Ok," Tyler hummed.


"I dunno. Waffle House just sounds good."

"I will gladly be your date to Waffle House," Josh smiled, kissing his cheek.

And so it was settled.

Their first date when they got back would be at Waffle House.

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