Chapter 27

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"Hey, honey," Josh said softly. "Time to wake up."

Tyler opened his eyes, sighing.

"I know, baby," Josh said, wishing Tyler didn't have to do this. "I know."

He got out of bed, dressing in layers since he was going to get cold. He got onto the hospital bed, getting under the blankets and getting situated.

There was a knock on the door, Josh going to answer it.

The nurse came into the room, introducing herself.

"I know you probably don't want me to treat you like a baby right now," she said. "And tell you I'm going to insert this sharp object into you and you might feel a teeny pinch and to not look, but it's in."

"Wait, What?" Tyler asked, looking down.

The IV was already in. He hadn't even noticed.

Good nurses were the best.

She started the IV, informing Josh to call if anything went wrong.

Josh thanked her and showed her the door before returning to the room where his fiancé was.

"Doing okay?" He asked.

Tyler nodded.

"Want me to sit with you?"

Tyler nodded.

Josh sat down on the bed next to Tyler, his arm around him as he lied back and snuggled him.

"I'll be able to hold you tomorrow," he said. "And snuggle up on the couch with you and kiss you."

Tyler then pointed to the trash can, and that's when the vomiting began.

It just didn't stop this time. It was worse than ever before.

Josh was constantly running back and forth getting new bags for Tyler to throw up into, clothes to change him into, cold wash rags to place on his neck so he would feel better, everything.

"Oh, baby..." Josh said as he walked in and saw Tyler had thrown up all over himself.

He had never been so embarrassed in his life.

Josh wasn't sure of what to do. He needed to wash Tyler but he couldn't get him out of bed and certainly couldn't undo his IV. He brought in several wash rags and a bucket of water, hand bathing him for upwards of an hour.

"It's no big deal, baby," Josh assured him, sensing his embarrassment. "I promise. No big deal at all."

Still, Tyler couldn't believe himself. He was so stupid and such a baby for throwing up on himself.

Finally, at 10:00 that night, the session was over.

The nurse came and removed the IV, checked on Tyler, and said he was clear.

She left, Josh and Tyler being alone again.

"It's over, baby," Josh said, running his fingers through Tyler's hair. "You did so well."

Even after less than a day, Tyler was looking so pale and even skinnier than usual, bags under his eyes as he shivered under his layers upon layers of clothes.

It hurt Josh to see him like this. It really did, but he was so proud of Tyler for getting through it.

He was proud of Tyler for a lot of things.

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