Chapter 45

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Married sex at home was better than any sex they had ever had before.

For some reason, when they were married, they just felt so... open to each other. They were more relaxed and didn't have to worry about messing up because the other boy was just so in love with him.

Every day, they would wake up together. Tyler would make coffee and breakfast for Josh while he got ready for work. He'd join Tyler in the kitchen where they would eat, Tyler typically on his lap.

They'd try and think of what they wanted to do that night, whether it was go out and eat or stay home for movie night or something. They'd then kiss and Josh would leave, going to work while Tyler started his job online.

Josh would come home around 5:30, the boys would make dinner and eat while they talked about their days. They'd then try to do something fun, like watch a movie or try something new, but most of the time they just ended up naked in bed, doing as young, newly married couples do.

"I have a feeling sex isn't really gonna get old with us," Josh chuckled after they finished one night.

"Most likely not," Tyler giggled, kissing his temple. "And I am perfectly fine with it."

"Me too," Josh grinned. "Ending every day with your cute lil naked butt couldn't make me happier."

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