Chapter 43

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"What would happen if we drank too much of this?" Josh asked with his arm around his husband's shoulders as they stargazed in the balcony of their hotel room, sitting right next to each other on the loveseat out there.

"I think that's what getting drunk means," Tyler said. "But I'm not sure."

He was so beautifully innocent.

"I can confirm that is what getting drunk means," Josh chuckled, kissing his husband's lips. They even tasted like Champaign.

The first time they tried it was the first time they were in Amsterdam, and they had liked it, but for some reason, it was m addictive now.

"I've never been drunk before," Tyler said.

"Me neither," Josh said. "People've always said that drunk sex is good sex."

"I like our sex normally," Tyler replied, nervous Josh wouldn't want to ever have sex like they normally did again.

"I love our sex normally," Josh said. "But it'd be cool to get to see how it is drunk."

"We should try it."

So the boys decided to get drunk.

All it took was a glass of champagne for Tyler, but it took about three or four for Josh.

"Joshieeeeee," Tyler hummed, now very giggly.

"Hmmmmmm?" Josh grinned.

"I'm sessy."

"Ya What?"

"I'm sessy."



"What's that, TyTy?"


"Ohhhhhhhh, you're sexy," Josh giggled.

Tyler nodded.

"I think you're sexy too."

"Jishhhhhh," Tyler hummed again.


"You're sessy."

"I'm sexy?!"

Tyler nodded.

"I'm not sexy," Josh said shyly, giggling.

"Yes you are very sessy," Tyler said, climbing on top of him.

They decided to put their 'sessiness' to the test, heading inside and sloppily stripping to have sex.

They woke up the next morning, both with pounding headaches.

"Joshua," Tyler pouted.

"We shouldn't have done that," Josh said.

Tyler nodded in agreement, his face buried in Josh's neck. "No more champagne."

"Definitely no more champagne," Josh chuckled. "I think the sex was fun, though."

"Honestly I can't remember it," Tyler giggled.

"Me neither. But I'm starving."

"I want chicken strips."

"Mac n cheese sounds good," Josh said. "Let's order room service."

So Josh called in the room service, the boys snuggling for a while before there was a knock at the door.

Josh slipped on some clothes and answered it, thanking the man for it.

They ate happily, all snuggled up in bed happily.

After they finished, they wanted to go sight seeing but they ended up falling asleep again.

Just another lazy day in Amsterdam.

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