Chapter 18

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Today was a weird day.

The boys decided to do their school work at separate coffee shops.

They weren't fighting or anything. They just figured they needed to spend some time apart so the 'honeymoon-engagement phase' wouldn't wear off.

Except, once Josh got to the place he would be doing work at, he got a text.

Tyler Robert (almost) Dun: I love you and I miss you and I can't wait to snuggle you when we get home and I'm gonna make you dinner tonight and hug you tonight and kiss you tonight and I love you.

He grinned down at his phone, shaking his head and typing a reply.

Joshua William Dun: I love you more, ya goof. Now do your school work so we can see each other sooner;)

The boys did their work, meeting back home. They were both incredibly excited to see each other after a tragic eight hours apart.

"Joshuaaaaa," Tyler hummed with a goofy grin as he heard his fiancé enter the apartment. "Come see meeeeee."

Josh grinned widely and raced to the kitchen, tackling Tyler in a hug and kissing all over his face. "Oh, I'm gonna do a lot more than see you."

Tyler giggled and blushed, kissing Josh's lips softly. "I missed you."

"I bet I missed you more," Josh hummed. "Half the time I was just swiping through pictures of you."

Tyler smiled and kissed his cheek before continuing to make dinner.

"Until I saw the pictures we took in Amsterdam and then I figured I shouldn't be going through those in public."

"Joshua!" Tyler exclaimed, his face red in embarrassment.

After the boys had their first time, they took some pictures together just because they wanted to be able to look back and remember it.

"What?! It was just a naked TyJo booty. That was all."

Tyler pouted as he stirred the pasta sauce, making Josh hold his other hand.

"We should have a romantic night Friday to celebrate making it through our first week of school," Josh said.

The boys had sex a lot. And they loved it. They absolutely loved it. But a lot of the time they were just giggling and just having fun.

They both loved sex when it was like their first time. And they still had sex like that, just not very often.

It was always slow and gentle and soft and loving, just one version was more... goofy, almost, while the other was more about really connecting with each other.

Tyler quickly nodded, Josh giggling and kissing his forehead.

"A girl came up and asked me what my cannula was for," Tyler said. "I let her put it on. Is that sanitary?"

"No, baby. Prolly not very sanitary," Josh said. "How old was she?"

"Like 5."

"Ohhhh, okay," Josh said. "Yeah you should be good. She's not old enough to really have anything that could harm you. You wiped it off before you put it back in, right?"

Tyler nodded.

"Then you're good," Josh said.

Tyler hummed, hugging Josh tightly because he wanted snuggles.

Josh hugged him back, kissing the top of his head with a smile.

They simply stood there for a while before looking at each other. "How was school?" Tyler asked.

"Good," Josh said. "What about you?"

"Good," Tyler hummed.

The boys ate dinner then went to bed, snuggling up and watching a movie before falling asleep, their limbs entangled.

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