Chapter 46

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Tyler's health had been declining over the past year. The boys had more fun than they ever expected being married, but it was starting to be interrupted by doctors visits and hospital admissions.

He was now 22, Josh as well, but was in the hospital at least once a week.

They decided to put him on permanent residency, giving him a room so he could be monitored constantly.

However, it was getting to the point where he was having a health scare every other day, and he was beginning to make Josh nervous.

He'd kiss him for extra long before Josh would go to pick something up for him. He'd tell him he made his life great and he couldn't have had a more incredible 22 years on this earth.

This went on for eight days before Tyler was admitted to the ICU. They tried to keep Josh out of his room but he just kept returning.

"My husband could be dying," he'd say to the nurses as tears rolled down his cheeks. "Please, please just let me be with him."


"You were the air in my lungs, Josh," he said as he caressed his husband's cheek gently. "We'll Be together again soon and I love you so, so much. Thank you for giving me our little infinity."

His eyes closed and he took his last breath, his heart flat lining.


"Tyler Robert Joseph-Dun was the love of my life," Josh said as he wore all black, standing beside his husband's casket three days later. "He was my everything. He still is my everything, actually. He always will be."

"Tyler had a rough go around. He had every reason in the world to hate his life and have nothing but hatred and anger toward the world, but he instead was the happiest, most joyful person I have ever known. Even in his last days, his classic Tyler smile always made an appearance. He'd make a point to tell me he loved me. He would thank me, even though I was the one who should have been doing the thanking."

"Even though Tyler and I were only together for 5 years, it somehow felt like an eternity and a millisecond. Tyler and I are going to be together again real soon, a-and when that day comes, it will take the place of the current happiest day of my life: when I married Tyler. He will forever be loved, he will never be forgotten. It was an honor to be called his husband."

He placed a kiss to the casket before taking his seat.

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