Chapter 39

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Tyler's smile would not fade as they walked into their hotel, all the memories flooding back to him.

He stopped for a minute, having been holding Josh's hand which in return make Josh stop.

Josh smiled and kissed his cheek. "We get to check in as Mr and Mr Dun for real this time."

Tyler grinned and quickly made his way to the desk, informing the lady that Mr. and Mr. Dun would be checking in.

She smiled and handed them the room key to the same suite they had stayed in five years prior, Tyler pulling Josh along excitedly.

They made it to the elevator, Josh picking Tyler up and holding underneath his butt, beginning to kiss his lips deeply.

Tyler smiled and kissed back happily before they had to get off because it was their floor.

Tyler wheeled his oxygen tank in one hand while holding Josh's hand with the other. They made it to the room, Josh not opening it first. He instead started to kiss Tyler's lips.

At first Tyler was confused, but he then understood.

Josh was trying to make this just like their first time.

Josh had been holding Tyler in the elevator as they kissed, they were kissing outside the room as he looked for the room key.

Tyler couldn't be happier as he kissed him back, their arms around one another.

Josh eventually got hold of the room key, opening it and throwing the door open before spinning inside with Tyler, crashing onto the bed with him.

They moved around on the bed and got comfortable, Josh ending up on the left side of the bed, sitting up with his back against the headboard and Tyler sitting on his lap.

Tyler reached over and turned on the lamp.

Exactly how it was the first time.

They made eye contact and couldn't help but start to laugh a bit. They were just so happy and excited to finally be back.

"Welcome to Amsterdam, Mr. Dun," Josh smiled, running his fingers through Tyler's hair. "I love you and really think you should get naked."

Tyler giggled as Josh slipped his shirt over his head.

"Five years later and we still don't know how to do this," Josh chuckled as Tyler's shirt got stuck on his cannula just like it did the first time.

Tyler smiled and leaned forward, kissing Josh's lips before sitting back up so Josh's shirt would come off.

It did, and the boys were left shirtless in their sweatpants, just as in love as they were the first time doing this.

Their pants came off, Josh slipping Tyler's boxers off for him.

"Tyler," he sighed as he looked at his naked husband, cupping his cheek. "You just get more and more beautiful as time goes on. You know that, right?"

"Shhh," Tyler hushed him, leaning forward and kissing his lips deeply as Josh worked his way out of his own boxers.

They were both then completely naked, Josh rolling over so he was now straddling Tyler. He took both his hands.

"Tyler Dun," he hummed with a soft smile. "I'm about to make love to you."

Tyler blushed and smiled softly, cupping Josh's cheek and kissing his lips deeply. "I love you, Joshua."

The boys wanted it to last as long as possible, so a lot of foreplay took place. Josh kissed Tyler everywhere he possibly could, wanting to shower him in love and affection.

"So beautiful, baby," Josh said as he kissed over parts of Tyler's body he knew the boy was insecure about. "Most beautiful thing in the world."

The boys eventually started and finished, Josh collapsing beside Tyler, the smaller boy immediately snuggling up next to him.

Josh wrapped his arm around Tyler as they lied there naked, overwhelmed with how comforting the warm skin to skin touch they were experiencing was.

Tyler looked up at Josh while his head was resting on his shoulder, Josh looking back down at him. He reached up and gently caressed Josh's cheek as he kissed him softly.

"I love you so much," he said softly.

"I love you more," Josh replied, kissing him again and again and again.

They simply bathed in the post-sex daze for a while before deciding to take a bath and order dinner.

They got in the tub across from each other, leaning back and relaxing with wide smiles as they both looked at the boy at the opposite end of the tub.

"Being married is pretty frickin' cool," Josh said.

"Marriage is sick," Tyler said.

"So sick," Josh grinned.

"I think marriage to you, specifically, is sick."

"I think the same thing about you," Josh smiled.

"I can't believe we're back in Amsterdam, Joshua."

"Honestly, I can't either," Josh said. "But I'm so happy we are."

"Me too," Tyler replied.

"What sounds good for dinner?"

"Chicken strips 'n Mac n cheese," Tyler hummed with a smile.

"Exactly what you ate the first time we did this," Josh chuckled. "But I can't blame you, because I'm gonna do the same thing."

So they called and ordered room service, getting dressed and eating as they snuggled up in bed watching TV.

"I love you," Josh mumbled into Tyler's ear softly, intertwining their fingers.

"I love you more, Joshua," Tyler giggled. He couldn't contain his happiness.

Josh smiled and squeezed Tyler tight. "What do you wanna do tomorrow?"

"I dunno," Tyler hummed. "Just kind of go with whatever feels right at the time."

Josh nodded, kissing behind his ear. "I'm gonna get some sleep. I'll see you then, husband. I love you."

"I love you more, Joshua," Tyler smiled, kissing Josh's lips after Josh got back into bed from turning the lights out. "Sleep tight."

So Josh fell asleep, and Tyler was left snuggling the sleeping Josh, running his fingers through his hair.

Soon, he too was asleep, safely snoring in his husband's arms.

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