Chapter 5

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"This is insane." I said as I pulled out the batteries and put them back in.

"Still no radiation, well this is spooky." Arch spoke as he looked over my shoulder.

"We better just keep moving on." I quietly said still befuddled as to why the geiger counter wasn't picking up anything.

"Let's put our masks on just incase." Arch cautioned.

He wasn't wrong, it'd be better than holding our hands over our mouths.

We both slipped our masks on and made sure we had our extra filters again.

We walked into the night, the dead city was quiet, only the rattling of sheet metal and the wind coming over the towering walls could be heard.

Arch and I had our flashlights out as we moved slowly around making our way towards the hotel.

"Arch I must warn you that you must not look into houses here, I'm not even sure if the hotel will be completely safe." I cautioned him as I flashed my light on a wall that had blood splattered across it.

"Why's that?" Arch asked.

"25% or 40% of the civilian population in Steiger fortress was murdered by the air raids and the enemy ground forces." I mentioned looked around the corner, holding my gun up close to my body.

"And watch out for UXO's" I pointed the flashlight at a bomb that was wedged into a two storey roof.

Arch swore under his breath.

We continued onwards, pushing around corner after corner, covering each other as we crossed streets under the cover of blackness.

I was starting to feel the hairs on my back stand up.

Something didn't feel right.

We walked into a backyard and proceeded to jump over a fence.


I froze. Arch landed next to me with a loud crack as well.

"Don't fucking look down" I whispered to Arch. "Don't do it."

"Wha-" As he looked down he shined his torch.

His body froze with fear and so did mine.

We had jumped a fence into a uncovered mass grave.
"Holy fucking shit." I swore snapping myself out of the trance I was in.

"Keep walking." I commanded.

Arch just nodded scared for his life.

We slowly made our way out, unable to smell the rotten decaying flesh of the mass grave thanks to the gas masks we had on.

I'd seen worse than this. This would be Charlotte and Eila's team's doing.

The hotel was only a couple blocks away, Just our luck it started to rain, the heavens opened up and a blanket of rain soaked Arch and Myself.

We were running up the street at this stage, not caring about anything else.

I saw stray cats and dogs run off as I looked around with the flashlight once in awhile as we ran.

We reached the hotel, the front door had a tank jammed into it, the lower floor around the door had collapsed on top of it.

We walked around to the back, we kicked the door open and walked into a kitchen area.

"Let's get some elevation." I said, I looked around in the lobby hoping to find a way to the stairs. Suitcases were thrown everywhere in the lobby, clothes and shoes scattered around.

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