Chapter 8

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Emblem Direct, Secondary HQ "HALLOWED", lower continent

Trace lay bleeding on the floor, I laid flat out on the floor not being able to move a muscle thanks to the beating I had received earlier.

I could hear water droplets hitting the cold floor, it was numbing my cheek; I struggled to get up.
Crashing down onto the floor again I gave up...

I could barely see Trace with how dark it was within the cell we had been put in, no clue on how many hours had past since we had been knocked out, Were we even in the same place anymore?
Trace moved his arm a little, he was waking up.

With a groan he slowly brought himself up off the floor. I could just make out the massive stain his blood had made on the white long sleeve shirt he was wearing, his top suit removed. At least are capturers had been kind enough to bandage his wounds.

"Siege..." He spoke softly, his voice was raspy from before.

"Yeah?" I replied. "How you feeling?" I asked him

"Like shit... Where are we?" Trace answered.

"I haven't a clue, but I don't like it." I coughed, when I coughed it hurt my stomach like hell, I let out a loud groan as I turned over on to my back, right into the wet spot on the concrete floor.

Someone banged on the cell door.

Blinding light came through it as the door swung open. I saw Trace get picked up by 2 men, then another 2 men entered the cell and proceeded to pick me up as well.
I kicked and spasmed around as they attempted to carry me, my efforts were silenced with the electric shock of a baton.

I was slowly fading in and out of consciousness, unaware of where we were going too or had just been.

I looked up at the right time to see Traces and My rifle sitting on a wheeled table, I found myself being sat down in a chair and I managed to see Trace getting put down in the next one.

Our guns in front of us.

I moved my head backwards and was met with a thump from another skull.
I had finally snapped out of the daze I was in from the electric shock earlier, I was able to turn my neck around and saw War looking back at me, sitting in the chair that was facing the other direction behind me.

I freaked out and looked at the person sitting behind Trace, another War.
I Screamed as she turned and looked at me, nothing exited my mouth as I held it open, screaming in fear.

I looked forward again towards the guns on the table. In walked around person dressed in a lab coat, they covered their face with their clipboard.
They walked in front of us, turning around and placing the clipboard down on the table with the weapons.

The person picked up my rifle and studied it intensely, they pulled apart my powerpack, I saw them eject the vial out of the powerpack and twirl it in their fingers as they looked at the liquid moving around inside it.

Suddenly they turned around.

"So this is what killed me Siege." Templeton spoke with a harsh tone.

"IT WASN'T MY FAULT TEMPLETON!!!" I Screamed loudly at him as he approached closer, the room started to feel longer as he walked towards me, he started to fade into the background.

"Siege." I turned to my left where Trace was sitting too, but it wasn't him.
Templeton sat in his chair, I could see the 2 War's looking at me intensely still.

"Why did you have to do this to me?" He calmly said as he leaned in towards me, both War's followed his actions.

"Why'd ya have to do it Siege?" both War's spoke in an echo of eachother.

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