Chapter 14.5

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It didn't take long for the damage report from the drone over Steiger Fortress to come back, the first railgun shot had penetrated into the ground to the lower reactor, the second shot from the other railgun putting in a deeper overlapping hole.

The Reactors had well and truly been pierced open and radiation in the area was now actually flooding out at a rapid rate.

A lone gunman was seen just 3 km east of Steiger Fortress, towards Trinity. Reports say that the person looks deranged from the growing desert heat during the daytime.

Arch and I sat in a meeting room with Natalie sitting across from us, she rubbed her forehead and sighed before reaching into the lower draw on her desk.

She pulled out a box of panadol and proceeded to take 2 tablets gulping them down without a drink of water.

"God, what a day this is going to be." Natalie sighed as she slumped down on the desk.

Blaze's perspective.

"God, what a day this is going to be." I smiled as I walked down the long hallway of the main building within Emblem Direct's HQ.

I was on my way to Elia and Charlotte's room to wake them up, they had a mission to complete.

I eventually reached their room, I banged on the door and I was greeted with a loud groan from the otherside of the door.

"Quiet please!" Said a very sick sounding Elia as she opened the door.

"Oh don't tell me you've got the flu." I said crossing my arms as I leant up against the doorframe.

"I do indeed have the flu." Elia said with a loud sneeze, she proceeded to continue sneezing another three times before calming herself down.

"This is why we have flu shots here! So you don't get sick!" I exaggerated as I manoeuvred past Elia.

"Where's Charlotte too?" I said looking around the room.

"She went out down to the lower floor to the gym, today's her training day." Elia sniffled as she followed me.

"Alright..." I turned to walk out the door, turning around "Now you go have some panadol and get into bed." I told her.

Elia nodded and she shut the door immediately after I was out of her room.

I took the nearest elevator down to the gym... sure enough Charlotte was training as Elia had said, pretty damn hard too.

I knocked on the glass door leading into the room and let myself in.

Charlotte hadn't noticed me walk in. She kept punching the punching bag in front of her harder and harder, her earphones plugged into her ears.

I walked up behind her, I pulled one of them out and she grabbed my arm in a lightning quick movement, almost ready to break it into two.

"God! Blaze you scared the life out of me!" Charlotte yelled, still holding tightly onto my arm.

I looked down at her grip on my arm and immediately felt myself get super angry, even though it was my fault for spooking her.

"She's a damn spook." I uttered to myself.

"Huh?" Charlotte said taking out her other earphone.

"Nothing, nothing..." I mumbled as I rubbed the pain away on my arm. "Anyway since Elia is out sick, you and I are going on a mission."

"Yes! Finally another!" Charlotte yelled excitedly.

"Yes.. calm down Charlotte, we have work to do now." I sturnly spoke to her.

"Yes boss!" She stood up straight almost immediately and her gaze went forward.

"Go get your gear Char..." I said as I waved her on. "I'll meet you out by the Control Tower in 30 minutes." I informed her as I walked out of the gym.

Time to go to North Point.

I walked along the hallway, thinking about how we were going to get ourselves into Eastern North Point this time... I followed the pristine white walls and the equally pristine floor of the hallway to the lobby of the main building.

A huge metal globe of the world spun around slowly with a small water fountain inside of it. Two staircases lead up either side of the white lobby wall. 'Emblem Direct' emblazoned in blue across the front of the main desk.

I went through the spinning door that lead to the outside of the building, a cold morning it definitely was, I shivered as I walked out into it.

I rubbed my right eye, the pain of the knife Inia drove into it still flared up once in awhile.

I had a fake eye implanted into it at once when I arrived back in Ontriovik that morning 4 months ago.

Inia had driven it deep enough to destroy my entire eye and some nerves behind it, luckily she couldn't get it all the way in otherwise I wouldn't be here today.

A flashback of the night and the pain of Inia shoving the knife into my eye struck me.

I held my hand over my right eye again and winced.

"God I'll kill that bitch if it's the last thing I do." I said under my breath.

"Ready to go Blaze." Charlotte called out from behind me.

I turned around and gave Charlotte a thumbs up with my left hand, my right still covering my eye.

"Your eye playing up again is it?" Charlotte asked.

"I'll be damn okay." I said angrily. "Come on, let's get a move on." I said as I turned back around and stormed off to the control tower.

"What are we going in this time?" Charlotte asked as she walked behind me.

"A cessna, little light plane." I answered.

"We going undercover?" Charlotte questioned as she looked down at herself in full on military gear, questioning if she brought the right equipment for the job.

"We're going to have to jump out of the plane at some point at a low attitude, we may even have to jump out while it's taxiing on the ground." I answered. "Don't worry to much about what your wearing, there's bags over here that we have to put our guns in and body armor."

"Roger that!" Charlotte spoke up as she ran up to walk alongside me.

I don't even know if we're going to find Harlow or how we're going to get back home

PHENOMENON: Nos Conquer Una [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora