Chapter 9

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We arrived back at AMTRAC HQ late into the afternoon via helicopter, Natalie had arranged someone on the ground team too secure our vehicle and take it back to the HQ. As we landed and unboarded from the helicopter the 4 of us and Natalie's team walked away towards the debriefing room.

As we were exiting the hangar another helicopter came in for landing. It came in hot before the massive doors on the hanger bay shut tight.

"Back already?" Natalie looked onwards as the helicopter landed on the pad, the massive hangar doors leading to the outside world began to shut for the night.

"No one even informed us that they'd be back this early?" Echo looked at Natalie with a confused face.

Siege and Trace's helicopter was soon surrounded by medical staff, then they were both promptly loaded onto separate stretchers.

"What happened to them Natalie?" I walked up to her, I wasn't too happy to see them both being carted away to the medical centre.

"I honestly don't know." Natalie paused and thought about it for a few moments. "We better go over and see what the problem is."

"Doesn't look too good." Arch whispered next to me.

"I know." I replied.

I wanted to know what had gone wrong so badly that they were being immediately carted away, I thought Siege would of put up a bit more of a fight about being on a stretcher.

We walked over to the medical centre, Natalie and Echo asked Arch and I too stay at the main desk while they go ahead to see if everything's alright.

As we turned to go sit down Molly rushed around the corner bumping into me. I was knocked back into Arch from the force of Molly's accident.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Molly exclaimed as she bumped into me.

"It's alright Molly." I replied back to her, rubbing my hip bone from her impact. "What's the rush?"

"Oh good to see your back Inia." Molly said with a hint of bitchiness as she kept her eyes locked with Arch's as to say 'You've fucked up.. Big time.'

"I've been doing some medical work while you two were out having all the fun, I've got two new patients waiting for me, they only just got in off the medical helicopter." Molly said as she snapped out of her anger and came up with a proper reply. "You mean Siege and Trace?" Arch replied.

"Siege and Trace? Are those the two that have come in this afternoon?!" Molly looked down at her notepad. "Look apparently the evac plane's medical staff was only able to bandage and stop the bleeding from their wounds, so I've gotta go with my tutor too suss them out."

Molly quickly moved around both of us. "Follow me and you can come too their room."

Arch and I nodded at her and followed her down the hallway towards the ER were Siege and Trace had been taken too.

Molly swiped a card on the door leading into the ER holding the door open for Arch and I.

"This way please." Molly responded. "We're almost there."

We rounded a corner and down a long hallway, it was quite empty other than workers from AMTRAC we're checked in from injuries and illnesses.

"Okay, this should be their room." Molly announced as she knocked on the door and then proceeded to let herself in.

Siege and Trace were lying flat on their backs on operating beds, they had masks on and had gone under anesthesia.

Natalie and Echo we're standing over them, discussing something in whispers.

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