Chapter 22

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3 Months later after the fall of AMTRAC.

With the fall of Noristo and North Points main supplier for weapons gone, their military was soon crushed by Ontrio's.

It took only 42 hours before both Noristo and North Point we're under siege by The Ontrio Military and Emblem Direct's private companies.

We had fled the country by way of an Aurorian Commander who was stationed on the outskirts of the capital of Noristo for joint training exercises, we warned him about the coming attack, his forces retreated off the country into their boats and we tagged along for the ride.

Most of the Noristo and North Point military forces gave up and we're captured, some stood their ground though and we're killed for doing so.

We had made it back to main land Auroria, We hadn't been here since the time we came to retrieve the meteor piece. I later learned that when Natalie was still alive she sold it off to MAERSK for further testing.

Good riddance.

I was still tracking satellites daily with the use of Natalie's Tablet. It was connected to all satellite observation radars on the globe, so even without AMTRAC's massive radar network I was able to use it.

The Satellites I had aimed for we're going to be coming out of their orbit real soon after being knocked by the force of the explosion of each missile.

I had waited 3 months for this event to happen, I was even willing to give Schwartz Fuchs some of the data, provided it remained intact.

Inia's Perspective, The Guiltran Sea.

"Inia. Can you tell me again why I'm on a battleship in the middle of a storm." Molly said as she walked over to me, we were in the mess hall of one of the November-D Class Battleships.

"Cause one of the satellites we've been tracking is set to crash down somewhere around here." I replied as I sat and finished eating my tea.

"Hopefully not on the bloody ship then, You know I've got to spend Alexandria's 11th birthday tomorrow on this thing?" Molly complained, has she stormed back out of the mess hall rambling on to herself. Being out on the sea was driving her insane.

The rest of them also wanted to be back on dry land and I honestly don't blame them.

Now you may be wondering, Why would you bring a warfleet just to capture a satellite? We'll since the world is descending into chaos over the Satellites people are beginning to fight all over the globe once again, Retrieving this satellite in North Points waters is a deadly situation, especially since now Ontrio has taken over their naval force.

Emblem Direct wanted their satellite back just as much as we wanted to have it for ourselves.

The satellite we we're going after tonight was one of the 10 that held some key information on we're it's main beacon would be. According to Schwartz, Chimera was it's codename, but it was extremely unconfirmed and only a rumor.

It looked down at us every 3 hours waiting to strike us down.
Emblem Direct knew we knew about their main satellite, but they kept replacing them by launching more, AMTRAC's big plan to shoot them all down would of failed, it would have to be an extremely lucky chance that we hit the number 1 satellite anyway, a fluke.

The thunder and the cracks of lightning outside slowed down, and the boat eventually stopped making my stomach feel sick.

I got up and made my way down to the crew chamber where Trace and everyone else had been for the past 2 days.

All of them had been seasick within 10 hours of being onboard.

It was only going to get rougher if we came into contact with enemy forces.

"How's everyone doing." I asked walking into the room.

"I'm feeling better now I have nothing left in my stomach to throw up." Commented Siege as she held her stomach, Trace patted her on the back as she turned green again.

Arch and Molly where playing a game with Alexandria and Haythorn was trying his best to get signal with the television that had been duct taped down to prevent it from falling over.

Like if it was meant to be the siren for red alert begun to scream at us.


We suddenly became trapped in the room we were in as the door sealed up.

"Well that's just great!" Arch yelled as he slammed the table. "I hope we get this damn satellite quickly, cause I'm not spending another 2 days on a ship!"

"It'll be okay! We're almost there! We must of run into some trouble." I yelled over the siren.

Here we go again.

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