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Dontera CBD
Blaze's perspective.

Charlotte and I sat on the corner of the Main Street, we had seen both of the AMTRAC Helicopters land and drop people off.

We sat and waited for awhile, drinking and having something to eat from the bakery here.

"Damn. If I knew they were going to bring everyone along I would of stayed home." I said as one of the helicopters, suddenly circled back around to the highest building.

"Huh." I questioned myself as I watched the helicopter take off again and move over to the roof of the hotel.

Charlotte also was wondering what was going on. Did they mess up their landing by going to the wrong roof?

"Alright time to go, let's move to the hotel and see if they killed Harlow or not." I sighed sitting up from my chair.

"Hopefully they did the dirty work for us." Charlotte laughed.

"Yeah maybe."

We walked along the crowded streets, people were pushing past us trying to get along too the festival near us.

It took us far too long to cross roads and traffic was slowing us down.

We eventually made it too an alleyway behind the hotel.

We were about to go through the backdoor when glass from above us started to rain down.

I pushed Charlotte out of the way and jumped out of the way myself soon after.

We heard a gunshot from way up high and we both looked up too see a figure above us falling down the side of the building.

The person hit the scaffolding car and bounced off of it, the hit the side of the building again were they continued to free fall. Hitting another scaffolding piece with their leg.

"Charlotte get ready to try to catch whoever it is!" I yelled at her as We both got up with our arms out.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" The girl cried as she was now tumbling through the air.

"I've got her! I've got her!" Charlotte said running around.

"You don't! I do!" I shouted pushing her.

I focused on the girl who was now extremely close to us.

"Inia?!" I called out as she landed on top of Charlotte and I.

We both collapsed to the ground with a very limp Inia laying spread out on top of us.

"What the hell is going on." I said out loud as I laid on the concrete and looked up at the building. I watched the helicopter take off from the roof once more.

"Christ." I swore.

Somewhere on the outskirts of Dontera.
Inia's perspective.

I woke up screaming in pain and then suddenly the pain subsided.

"I see your awake again." Charlotte said as she walked in the room with a medical bag.

"What the fuck! Where the hell am I!" I shouted as I sat up, my legs restrained to the bed.

"Calm down, you'll hurt yourself again if you struggle." Charlotte sat down next to me and smiled.

"You had quite a huge fall." Charlotte reached her arm out and touched my forehead with the palm of her hand. "Your still in shock."

"Ofcourse I'm in damn shock, I'm supposed to be dead!" I yelled.

"Calm down Inia. Blaze has ordered me not to kill you or harm you." Charlotte rubbed my arm. "It's healing up fast, your other one will have to stay in that cast for a bit longer."

PHENOMENON: Nos Conquer Una [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now