Chapter 12

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I patched Arch's wounds up and took a breather on the seat next to him, I sighed as I watched Haythorn and his sister peak up from under the blanket I had given them earlier.

"I guess I better call you two in." I said turning the car into the on position, and attempted to hook up my radio with the car's LR.

I thought if I was able to get a hold of Natalie she might know what to do with these two, cause currently I had no idea if I was going to have to kill them or not... despite Arch's protests.

I managed to get a signal but nothing on the other end, I should of known trying to contract Nat while they were deep underground was a stupid idea.

"Arch, I'll go grab Molly and we can head back to HQ early, We'll take these two with us but we'll keep them blindfolded for the journey..." I announced as I opened the door and hopped out.

I walked off over towards the medical tents again, I could see Molly cleaning her hands outside on one of the water troughs, Dr.Jason was looming over her.

Clearly the Doctor wanted a slice of Molly, she turned to face me and ran over practically almost colliding with me "Inia! Is it home time yet hun?" She called.

"Well that's what I was coming over here for actually." I explained to her. "Arch is waiting in the car for us."

"Oh goodie! Let us be on our way then!" She expressed as she began to walk away.

Dr.Jason looked at me with the biggest stare down ever, like I'd just taken his chance and crushed his dreams immediately.

I gave him a solid middle finger. "Shit... sorry my hand does that sometimes." I joked.

All he did was scoff at me and turn the other way and walked back to the medical tents.

I caught up to Molly who was waiting for me around a corner, she was struggling with taking her hair out of her ponytail. "Christ this hurts." She said as she finally pulled the band free.

"So what happened with that doctor?" I asked her with a laugh.

"Biggest pervert ever, kept looking down my top everytime I bent over." She said as she played with her hair trying to get it straight again.

"How did you two go with finding out who was shooting up the convoys?" Molly asked, she looked at me with an intentful gaze.

"Oh nothing bad..." I rubbed my head.

"Nothing bad?" Molly proceeded to question more.

"Ahhh..." I froze up as Molly got closer.

I truly feared for my life.

"Ahhh?" She mimic'd

"Arch got shot in the back by a 10 year old girl while I had her brother detained on the vehicle." I braced myself and shut my eyes

"Right, thats it, no more dangerous missions like this!" Molly started to make a scene.  "Where are they Inia?"

"Ahh... Follow me..." I moaned.

Molly gave me a full serving as we walked back to the car, when we got there I got another about the shitty job I'd done on patching Arch's wounds.

Arch also got a serving from her about being in danger and that he shouldn't be following me around looking for trouble.

She nearly collapsed from a heart attack when she saw the Haythorn and his sister come out from under the bed sheet.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!" She screamed as she started to hyperventilate.

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