Chapter 29

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Noristo, above AMTRAC HQ
Blaze's Perspective.

"Blaze, some news has just come through that a revolution in Auroria and Greenwich, Kanico are underway." One of the pilots informed her.

"Just great, what does Hamilton think of it?" Blaze sighed as she opened the side door on the superhind, looking out down into the wildness and ruins below her.

"I don't know, I'll get in touch with HQ once we land... By the way, They finished drilling to the vault sometime after lunch, so good timing on coming back." The pilot responded.

"Well good for them, Jacobs when we land return to the FOB and refuel, then come back for me 2 hours time."

Her tone was warm, she didn't treat her men like they we're just slaves or cannon fodder... Behind the arsehole of a person she was to be around, she did care about them.

The superhind landed on the ground, and as soon as Blaze was out it was off again.

"How's everything going?" She asked as she approached the drilling team Emblem Direct had sent earlier on in the week.

"We're alright... just a little over two hours ago we breached the vault, we've been waiting for you before we sent anyone down." Said one of the workers, he didn't too fazed about having to wait around for the extra two hours, everyone else was shooting Blaze cold looks. Like that just wanted to be home already. Most of the workers we're locals who had gotten themselves caught up in the war.

"As you were right to do so, anyway good job..." Blaze said as she walked up a flight of stairs on the drill platform. "Your all free to begin packing up, once we have our data you're all free to leave."

The worker she was talking to nodded and turned around, he started to tell his underlings to begin packing the equipment up.

Blaze grabbed one of the harnesses that was lying on top of a box, she begun to put it on, readying herself to descend down into the small hole that had been drilled out to the vault.

The vault wasn't on any of the blueprints, only scanning the surface and a 2km underneath revealed something that wasn't supposed to be there.

Everything else on the base had been lost after it's destruction 3 months ago. Even Natalie and Echo had died.

Blaze didn't really care for both of them. She knew little about them, only that they were connected with Hamilton through blood. Brother and Sisters.

What a crazy trio.

Hamilton had broken off from his sisters, he took a different direction. Despite Natalie and Echo thinking their mother was dead this whole time she had actually been abused by their father, Theoden Haldtik.

A few months after Natalie and Echo where born, an accident happened, their mother, Alice Haldtik ran off to Ontriovik with a small fortune and vast knowledge on technology that would be possible to create in the near future.

Alice brought her 3rd unborn child, Hamilton, along with her... He was enrolled in school as soon as he was at the correct age and Alice sold herself to the government for money, Hamilton... who is a lot like his father in many ways would beat his mother over and over again soon after he got into his teens.

Phenomenon hit, Alice was at the head of it all, she was now well imbedded into the government cycle. They had got the land rights to the Katyusha Meteor site and once they started getting resources from the site the money flowed in.

Phenomenon was, well a Phenomenon... it ruined and saved lifes or had given others strength that had always wished for.

Ontriovik's economy went up, Once the Facility was complete in 2037, Emblem Direct was born. With that Phenomenon struck again. The second wave of guns spawned on 50 more people.

Alice Haldtik... was assassinated on October 23rd 2042.
The same day the old government fell and military rule with Emblem Direct at the reins of the beast began immediately.

Hamilton was immediately put into the leadership role of Emblem Direct. He watched over everything with a careful eye and had plans to change things were his mother could not.

Blaze neared the bottom of the drilled out hole, she was repelling down at quite a speed, once she got to the ground floor she dusted herself off and looked around the dark and dusty room.

With a click of her flashlight she could see most of everything that was in the vault, any blueprints, materials and scientific notes were highly sort after.

Nothing was catching her eye, and by the looks of the vault it hadn't been used in a few years. Cobwebs lined the ceilings and other bugs scurried around the room, trying to dodge her light.

Everything here was trying to survive, Blaze soon found evidence that the bugs where living off the book covers and paper.

She picked one up, It was old and extremely fragile... it dated to 1999, a photo of the meteor as it plummeted to earth was on the front page of the newspaper with "Earth Survives Katyusha Meteor Strike." Written in bold above, she turned the page to continue reading and it fell to pieces in her hand...

Blaze sat down in the vault for another hour and a half, reading through documents and notes.

She walked back over to the hole and reconnected herself to the line of rope. She pulled on it twice, ready to be brought back up to the surface.

Blaze rose up to the surface again, a little bit disheartened about not finding anything and knowing full well Hamilton would not be happy about it, but there was simply nothing of use down there.

They had been drilling for the past few days now all for nothing, The Emblem Direct war machine was strong, but it lacked drive and sat dormant most of the time waiting for orders.

The men were getting restless as the days went on without fighting, Blaze knew this and hated seeing how her men weren't being put to good use, without a war her men could not be happy...

Blaze arrived at the surface. The drill team had just about finished packing everything up, and the sound of the Superhind approaching again could be heard in the distance.

There where a small group of military members here at the mountain, they were on round the clock patrol and where looking tired and worn out.

Blaze walked over to their camp. "Whose in charge of your little group here?" Blaze asked one of the men sitting outside reading a book.

"That would be me." He responded putting the book down.

"Get your men, tell them to stop patrolling for the next 4 days and have a damn break." She looked over at the drill team and then back at the squad leader. "The drill team leaves in 2 days, they have plenty of alcohol to last them another 10 days."

And with that little intel drop she turned around and walked away.

The squad leader was immediately onto his section radio and called the patrolling members to come back to base camp immediately.

Her helicopter landed, and as soon as it did Blaze was on it and out of there, she was well on her way back home to Ontriovik... This time with a plan.

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