Chapter 11

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"Inia, how much longer?" Molly asked as she leant up against the wall of the trucks sleeper cabin.

"I don't know another 10 minutes hopefully, we've just gone through the village." I replied not looking up from my tablet.

"Arch is napping and you aren't talking to me cause your busy on your tablet, I just wanna be there already." Molly complained as she hit the back of Arch's seat.

He didn't wake up.

The drive continue onwards, through the winding roads of a gorge, it didn't take much longer till the trucks turned on to a dirt road and began to travel upwards to the flat top peaks of rangers.

The other 5 trucks that where following us through the pass continued along the road towards the border, it was just us and the other 2 trucks that had to come along now.

We arrived shortly at the base, Military Guards led us into the checkpoint they had set up outside of the base and begun to scan underneath our vehicles for any bombs or hidden persons.

"I feel like we're the bad guys when they do this to us." Arch yawned as he woke up.

After the checks were complete we were given the thumbs up and motioned into the bases vehicle area, it wasn't a very big base because of its geographical location but it was good for observing the mountains and down into the lower valleys.

The vehicle area was very shabby looking, most if not all of the vehicles that where there had been damaged in some sort of fight.

"Are you sure it's guerrilla's doing this? It looks like something a full on small army could do." I asked the driver.

"Look I don't know anymore than you do." He replied back.

The driver parked the truck up for us and Molly, Arch and I disembarked from it.

I immediately walked over to the vehicles and looked at them, running my hand across a few bullet holes and looking inside the wreckage for anything that could tell me what is going on out here.

Arch and Molly made there way over to the medical tent and started their work on that, I caught up with them soon enough as Molly was struggling to find the person she needed to see so she could get some assistance.

"Hello? Molly is it?" A male voice said from behind her.

"Yes? Thats me." Molly went to shake the man's hand and he quickly pulled his own back and took of a bloodied glove. "Sorry about all this, My name is Jason, Dr.Jason if you will."

Dr.Jason was about 6,2" just abit taller than Arch. He also had visibly bigger muscles and manners to go along with them.

Arch was getting jealous by the second as he watch his girlfriends eyes wander over his body. Molly flashed a quick look at Arch and you could damn tell she was comparing the two of them.

Arch put his hand out to break the ice "Arch Landcaster, Molly's boyfriend." The Doctor shook Arch's hand. "Hello Arch, your very lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend."

"Thank yo-, hey hey wait a sec-" Arch was about to chew the man's ear off.

I grabbed him and pulled him back towards me "Now now Arch, it'll be okay...  just let the two doctors do their work." I said trying to calm him down.

"Alright alright." He replied.

I pulled Arch abit closer as Molly and Dr.Jason walked into the tent.

"I think we're dealing with someone from Phenomenon." I whispered into his ear.

He looked at me like I was joking.

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