Chapter 17.5

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We broke through the door leading onto hallway that had the penthouse in question on it.

We snuck down the hallway scanning the room numbers for the one we were after.

Arch pointed up ahead to the door. I nodded and moved closer.

"Right, I'll break the door in." I whispered as I slowly walked around to the front of the door, giving it one nice hard kick.

Arch threw in a flash grenade and I covered my eyes and ran inside.

Arch followed after me and as we brought ourselves about we couldn't see anything that resembled a person in the room.

We held our guns at the ready as we heard footsteps from the kitchen area of the penthouse.

The light turned on and Blaze walked around the corner holding her rifle pointed at us.

"Nice to see you two again." She said as she walked closer.

I walked backwards towards the wall. Arch followed staying close to me.

"So why aren't you dead." I asked. "I'm pretty sure that knife I drove into your eye socket damn got into your brain."

"Nearly, nice try on your part." She replied putting her weapon down on the couch. "Miss me yet Arch?" She said looking at him.

"I don't, not after you left us for the enemy Blaze!" Arch said getting emotional.

"Arch calm down, I don't think it's really Blaze." I whispered to him.

"I want you both dead, lets understand that really quick shall we." She said pulling out a knife. "Now I'm gonna take your eye."

Arch looked at me, he held his gaze then back at Blaze who stood there flipping the knife around in her hand.

"Actually you know what would be more fucked up." She held the knife still.

She reverted back to Harlow.

"2 years ago Arch, War, Siege and I escaped Ontriovik." Harlow walked closer. "We made it over the hill after seeing the death of your parents Arch and that's when we all met you and your brother Trace, Inia."

"What do you bloody mean." I swore at her.

"I mean, that I was the Blaze all those years ago. A body double for the real Blaze while she helped set the wheels of war in motion." She laughed like a witch.

Arch looked as dumbfounded as I did.

"Oh you wanna know who killed your parents all those years ago too?" She walked closer to Arch.

"B L A Z E." She spelt it out and Arch swung a punch at her hitting her in the face.

Harlow took the punch like a champ, she rubbed her face and continued to talk bullshit. "It's true, I was there till the day I left you all alone by yourselves." She said back to Arch. "I remember driving around with you in the car we had just brought and how we had to go pick up War and Siege from the shopping centre."

Arch moved closer to her, Harlow pulled out a knife. I moved closer to her myself and she pointed it at me.

"I know this must be really mentally affecting you Archy boy, it must be hard knowing Blaze turned against her own blood, Her and Hamilton are going to rule this fantastic world and there's nothing you can do about it." Harlow walked backwards for her gun.

Arch stayed close to her as she backed away.

"Where's Bartlett?" I asked her, I watched Arch as he followed her.

"That fool got himself locked in a chemical chamber and died a horrible death by acid and then the two railgun satellites, I managed to escape." She reached back picking up a pistol on the bench.

"Fucker!" Arch jumped at Harlow and knocked her down to the floor, within moment's Arch and Harlow where exchanging hits and big blows to each other.

I jumped over the couch in between us and tried pulling Harlow off of Arch as she had already flipped him over and was giving him a serving with her fists.

I tried to pull her off but god damn was she strong.

"Harlow give it up!" I shouted. I pulled my pistol out and held it too her head.

Arch lay underneath her, bloody and hurt.

She stopped and moved the back of head so it was hitting the muzzle of the gun. I saw a drop of water from her cheek fall onto Arch.

"Sweet Release from Nat-" She said as I pulled the trigger.

"Huh." I said as her limp body fell on top of the unconscious body of Arch.

Natalie and her team burst into the room.

"Good job Inia, Even though you we're supposed to not kill her." Natalie said patting my back as she got down and lifted the now dead Harlow off of Arch.

Natalie signaled for one of her team members to come pick up Arch and as they reached him he was quickly lifted out of the room.

"Well Inia, that's another Phenomenon user dead, there won't be a satellite to finish the job for this one tho, because of the radiation poisoning she would've received during her fortress holiday the satellite thought she was dead, causing it to fire on her last location." Natalie explained as she led me up a stairwell within the penthouse.

We walked along the walkway above the main family area. A huge balcony spanned across the outside area.

The memory of Harlow saying Nat replayed in my mind over and over. I looked at Natalie with wide eyes. "Why did Harlow go to say your name." I said rather seriously.

Natalie kept me moving towards the balcony. She now had me turned around walking backwards as 2 of her team members showed up behind her blocking my escape.

"What the fuck is going on here Natalie." I shouted.

"You can't be allowed to live anymore Inia." Natalie pointed her gun at me.

"What did I do?! I've been on your side!" I moved closer to Natalie, her team members pointing their weapons at me.

"I know you've been working with Emblem Direct on the side, specially MAERSK. If you want to be with us it requires your 110% dedication to the cause." She said.

"What the one time where I helped War out with that spook from MAERSK?!" I shouted at her.

"Well War turned out to be a spy working for Emblem Direct, you defended her and had a relationship with her, If I remember correctly you even slept with Haythorn last night as well." She explained as she moved closer to me, not dropping her weapon down on bit.

"Fuck you." I pulled my gun up but was immediately met with bullets hitting me from Natalie's guards.

I stumbled back and broke the already shattered glass frame behind me falling off the side of the building.

I free fell off the building a good 40 storeys, I hit the side of the building as continued to fall...

My life flashed through my head again as I watched the ground below get closer.

I hit a scaffolding cart with my right arm, I heard it my bone snap as soon as I hit it, I was already screaming from the fall, but now it was more because of pain.

I continued to fall as I hit some scaffolding with my left leg and that flipped me over the familiar sound of a bone breaking rang into my head as I teared up as I saw the ground approaching.


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