Chapter 7

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Arch held pressure on my leg, he wrapped a rope around tight and pulled tying it in a knot.

"Gah, thank you." I Motioned for him to help me up.

"So who are these fuckers, I can barely see thanks to your smoke Arch." I swore as  Arch helped me off the ground "good job with that by the way, it was quick thinking."

"No worries, I can't do much at this current stage but I believe it's stopped the bleeding for now." He held my arm over his neck and kept me upright as we waited for the smoke to settle.

"Long time no see Inia." The man said as he walked through the smoke.

A second figure shadowing him.

"Bartlett... Harlow, how are we today." I replied trying to keep my balance.

"Oh, we're fine." Harlow stepped from behind the man. "You don't look so good." She said as she lifted her gun up resting it back on her shoulder.

"I wonder why." I mumbled.

"Now Inia ya know we can't let you blow up this ECM Jammer." Bartlett calmly spoke.

Bartlett was a big bulky man with a 5 o'clock shadow, natural leader, he really should of been a commander than a soldier.
His assistant Harlow was a blonde airhead, but in my history of knowing her, sometimes see has something planned up in that empty head of hers.

Arch looked at me "Do these guys have anything special about them?"

"Yeah I think behemoth over here can control objects with his mind or something, and tits for brains can change her appearance." I whispered.

We stood a fair distance apart, we just eyed eachother off.

"Alright, game on." Bartlett called out as he pulled his gun of his back and started firing towards us.

Arch and I jumped back behind the wall and started to crawl around a corner of a building as Bartlett continue to fire in our direction.

His M249 para barking away.

Harlow would be on us soon as well once the dust from all Bartletts firing died down.

"Split up." I whispered to Arch.

He gave me a nod and we ran off in different directions within the airfields camp.

And by run I mean I limped as fast as I could till I put some strength into it and started to run a bit better.

Arch had gone towards the barracks and I went back behind the hangers

Arch checked his corners as he rounded each of the barracks, he didn't know who he'd find on each turn, either Harlow or Bartlett worse if even both.

Smoke was thrown in Arch's direction and he knew he had been spotted by one of them.

A spray of bullets hit on the wall behind him and he immediately got on the floor firing his gun in the direction, hoping to hit someone.

"Arch!" A familiar voice called out.

'Blaze?' He wondered looking around the next corner.

"Help me Arch!" The voice called again.

"Where are you!" He called out️.

No response, gunfire erupted as bullets rained down around him.

Scrambling into a door to get inside a building he hid from the gunfire.

"Arch, please brother save me!" Blaze called out once again.

Arch burst through another door leading outside to a courtyard area, across the way stood Blaze.

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