Chapter 21

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I awoke to the ground shaking again. The radar system was now retracting back into the mountain.

I looked at my watch... "Only 10 minutes sleep?!" I thought to myself.

I sat up from the metal catwalk, which wasn't the most comfortable place I've ever slept... I shook my head and yawned covering my mouth too keep it quiet.

The shaking suddenly came to a halt, I must be inside the mountain now.

I got up slowly, my right arm was killing me with the pain... not to mention my leg, maybe the stuff Charlotte had given had finally fully worn off?

I opened the metal door slowly, peeking out into the huge underground hangar.

'How on earth am I going to survive...' Suddenly remembering that this place had enough soldiers to fill a stadium, not including other personal.

As I looked out into the hangar I saw squads of infantry moving around, had they been alerted to my presence already? Surely not?

I looked above them and saw the ASAT Missiles being transported with the mobile cranes that hung on the ceiling.

They led around into the next section of the mountain base, towards their silo's.

I slowly shut the door behind me as I made my way out onto the catwalk that made its way around the side of the massive array.

I limped my way to the ground floor.

I kept my eyes planted on the squads that moved around the hangar as I moved into the shadows of the walls, hugging them to stay as hidden as I could.

I couched past the second array, it was just finishing being lowered down into the mountain. A group of cars drove up to the array's, I jumped behind a group of crates set up next to one of the array's, a bunch of people from the maintenance group arrived, probably to retune the array's for any errors.

I stayed still as they walked past me, none of them ever so much as even looked in my direction, thank christ. Sweat was beading off my forehead, I was in pain and the anxiety of potentially being caught had butterflies flying around my stomach.

I got up and limped towards the vehicle bay, the Stryker we had brought with us was sitting there next to our SUV, a bunch of other new vehicles we're parked in the bay as well.

I watched the massive screen that hung over the entrance into the area. It was updating every minute with a successful kill on a satellite, the people who were watching cheered and raised their fists as the kill counter rose upwards.

10 satellites had been taken out within 15 minutes of the launch. I used the sound of the cheering to make a dash for the Stryker, the people where way to busy watching the screen.

I was able to get to the rear of the Stryker, I peered out as I watched even more people making their way over to the big screen. I lowered the rear ramp on the tank, just enough that I'd be able to climb into it without the ramp touching the ground.

I was in. Safe for now, I made my way upto the front and turned on the emergency power. I was able to get the external cameras online, one of them had a reasonably good view of the crowd.

Turning on the engine of the tank would have been suicide, at least everyone that was in the crowd had some form of weaponry on them, minus the workers that had made the trip from the other side of the base to come watch the show.

The doors in front of the crowd opened. Natalie and Echo walked out, I saw Siege and Trace watching them from behind. I looked around the best I could for a sign of Molly and Arch, not forgetting Haythorn and Lex... nadda.

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