Chapter 25

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Ontrio/North Point border.
Emblem Direct Secret Research Base.

"New orders from HQ just came in!" Kaska called out down the microphone.

"Read them out to me would you please Kaska..." Valentin said as he sat back down on his chair.

"2 0 3 8, Begin PHNMNN Second Sequence Immediately." Kaska informed Valentin as he walked up behind him.

"Well that was alot sooner than expected..." Valentin rubbed his forehead. "It's like they don't even care about the research we do here Kaska..."

"Of course they don't care, as long as we deliver results like last years attempt they'll keep funding us." Kaska passed him a keyboard and a key.

"I'm redirecting one of the subjects to us, #002 will spawn on Inia." Valentin said as he punched in the coordinates for the massive machine.

"How sweet of you to do something nice for your labrat of a daughter for a change..." Kaska looked at Valentin with some sorrow for Inia.

"She will have her mind wiped soon enough and she won't remember a damn thing about what we did here!" Valentin snapped at Kaska. "It was the only way to perfect the way we do things here today... Sacrifice was needed."

"Your the boss, I've been following you for the last 29 years now, I fully have respect in your ability to accomplish EMD's goals... The Higher Up's at EMD however think your becoming a liability now that the process is ready for around the clock use." Kaska sat down on the chair next to him and turned his key, unlocking the drive stabilisation.

"Drive Stabilisation increasing to 90%"

"So we're going to go through with this right?" Kaska looked over at Valentin who played with his key. "Valentin." Kaska grew increasingly impatient.

"The time of end is about to begin Kaska... Are you prepared to suffer the consequences? Have you made peace with your maker?" Valentin looked up at the control panel in front of him.

A map of the world slowly spun around in 3D on the control panel.

"I have." Kaska looked at Valentin with a displeased look.

"Locking On... Singularity detected." The Robotic voice informed.

"May god have mercy on our souls." Valentin mumbled as he turned his key.

"Tempura Drive, Reconstructing baseline forward 50, Minuscule Change."

The ground shook around them as they sat on their chairs holding on for dear life.

"Tempura Drive, Reconditioned. Stauros Sequence... applied."

A scream as loud as a jet fighter at mach speed could be heard as the device spun up.

The sound deafening gear that lined the walls wasn't doing much but it was enough from sending the two men completely deaf.

The device immediately stopped.

Kaska hopped off the floor and looked down at the control panel. "Sir! It's been done, we did it."

Both of them looked down from the control room at the sealed off platform below. 20 young people stood on the platform, sedated from the effects from the new Stauros Sequence.

"Alright, let's get the other 30 from the vats and take them out of the cooldown phase, It'll take them a while to wake up so let's do it now so we can get them moved without a struggle." Valentin glanced over at Kaska who was smiling with delight.

"This is amazing Valentin..." Kaska said as he put his hands on the thick bulletproof glass.

"Kaska! Get a move on." Valentin ordered as he opened the door.

"Yes sir." Kaska looked back at Valentin as he walked out the door.

The two of them walked down in the basement were the 30 cold storage containment vats stood. Each of them held a person.

"Now remember, slowly heat them up this time, we won't have a repeat of the last test." Valentin flicked the lights on. He walked down the aisle of vats.

"002... 002... 002..." he mumbled repeatedly as he walked along trying to remember where the 002's vat was.

He walked up alongside one of the vats and pulled out the tablet that was connected up to it. "002 is in good condition still." He said as he typed on the tablet. He reset the heating core, the vat had begun to heat slowly, waking up the cold body.

"Kaska! How are we going?" He yelled out.

"We're going fine, we're about halfway done." Kaska said as he put a tablet back on a vat and moved over to the next one.

"I'll go open up the lower doors." Valentin called out as he walked away from the vats and over to a corner, on the opposite side was the platform that held the other 20 people.

Valentin hoped like hell that they we're still sedated. He didn't want to deal with teenagers and young adults yelling and trying to kill him, not again. He held his right eye as it thumped with pain from the scratch that War had left.

2 hours passed as they slowly finished transferring the group to the platform with the others, their sedation was starting to wear off and the others had only just started warming up fully.

"Right Kaska! Lets begin." Valentin said as he sat back down in his chair, wheeling it around to the control panel.

Kaska sat at the ready to turn his key again... Valentin slotted his key in too.

They looked at eachother and back down at the crowd of 50.

"Stauros Alpha Channel active." boomed the AI over the intercom. "Stauros Zulu Channel activating..."

"150 percent and rising." Kaska wiped his brow.

"180 percent and we'll turn the keys at the same time." Valentin confirmed as he closed his eyes.

The hum of the machine was growing louder and louder. The crowd below them had begun to scream out in pain as they changed inside.

Flashes of light, Screams of the people below.


"Turn the key!" Kaska shouted.

Both of them turned the key and the machine's percentage gauge skyrocketed towards 200%.

With a huge flash of light... and silence following, they we're all gone.

Emblem Direct HQ, Ontriovik.
Skyview Command Centre.

"Everywhere across the world, people we're reporting the second coming of Phenomenon for like the next month or so..."

"Huh, Well it's always interesting learning how you and Dr.Valentin Reacher conducted your work." Hamilton said as he took a drink from his glass. Charlotte and Eila where cuddled up next to him, they were clearly under the control of some drug.

"Blaze is going to kill you if she ever catches you with those two." Kaska stood up and lit his cigarette.

"She's out looking at the ruins of AMTRAC." He said as he pulled up his phone showing it to Kaska, revealing that he was tracking her.

"She's a traitor~" Charlotte cooed as she nipped at Hamilton's ear.

"Yes, and she'll get what she deserves." Hamilton pulled Charlotte's face to his, they embraced in a kiss and he then turned to Eila, pulling her up doing the same.

"Tsk." Kaska walked over to the balcony... he took a huge drag of his cigarette and threw it out.

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