Chapter 6

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I woke slowly the next morning, Arch and I fell asleep on the couch sometime last night, getting up and peaking through one of the bed sheets covering the window I could see it was early morning still and there was more rain to come.

I grabbed my bag and pulled out a sandwich to eat, I didn't feel overly hungry but I knew I'd be paying for it later on if I didn't get something into me now.

Arch rose back up from the couch as I sat down next to him again. "Good Morning." I spoke with my mouth full.

"Good.. Morning.." Arch said whirry as he stretched out and yawned rather loudly

"God you could scare away a bear with that loud yawn of yours." I commented.

"It's good to let everything out in the morning." Arch said as he rubbed his eyes "What's the time?"

"It's somewhere around 6:20 in the morning." I answered.

"Damn that's early isn't, why are you awake." He looked at my food and began to look for his own.

"I always usually wake up around 6 or 7 am." I said, I could feel a yawn coming on but I was determined not to let it out.

Arch looked at me funny. "You struggling with something there?" He asked.

"No, no I'm fine." I answered facing away from him, desperately holding onto the yawn.

Arch pulled a fake stretch and another yawn in front of me.

I yawned almost immediately.

"Goddamnit." I cursed, Arch laughed at me.

"So what's the plan for today?" He sat down next to me with his own sandwich in hand.

"Well today I suppose we can continue on to the airfield, we're about another hour walk away from it yet." I hopped up and went to my bag.

"There will be even more UXO's the closer we to the airfield I imagine, they cluster bombed the airfield to damage the runways and taxiways to prevent any daredevil pilots from taking off." I said pulling out a tablet from the bag.

"Still no messages from the girls?" Arch asked. "I imagine Molly knows I'm gone now, god she's going to kill me when we get back." He laughed worryingly

"They haven't messaged yet, not even a code hidden within something." I replied, something was up...

No radiation in the area, and no signals in or out.

I rubbed my head, I couldn't understand why.

Then it clicked.

"The reactors must still be working normally, I think the fortresses mainframe electronics systems were hacked into and then jammed." I jumped up.

"We need to get to the airfield, and get underground to the Steigers control centre, manually reboot the server and systems one by- no that wouldn't work..." I paced around.

"Somewhere within the fortress there is something jamming all inside and outside communications, the obvious choice would have to be the airfield." I sat down next to Arch.

"Looking at the satellite photos of Steiger Fortress there is nothing that looks even remotely like a jammer of any sort." I spread photos out on the table.

"What could it be coming from." I hopped up and tore the bedsheet from the window, looking out at the airfield as it got lighter outside.

"Could it be hooked up to one of the antennas on the ATC tower?" Arch asked.

I scanned the airfield. I watched every inch of it closely.

I swear I saw movement, maybe it was my mind playing with me.

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