Chapter 20

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I just almost a died twice for the second time in 2 days and now I've gone and stolen a car.

Luckily whoever the person was who owns this car filled it up with fuel before I took it.

Hopefully they wouldn't notice, which they most definitely would notice...  maybe they were a truckie on a long haul and they wouldn't be back for a week?

Somehow I'd get the car back to whoever owned it.

I crossed the border into Noristo around 2:30am

I was inbound hot to AMTRAC's HQ. I would have my revenge...

How dare Natalie think she can just cast me aside when she's finished with me.

The car roared down the highway, at the time of night the only vehicles that we're on the road were Trucks and Buses.

I powered along, sitting happily on a cruisy 140km/h.

I had to get to AMTRAC before something happened to the others... if they're still alive...

I winded through the hills, the noise from the exhaust bouncing off the side of the gorge walls.

It was 4am when I arrived in the area were I could be close enough without having to be spotted by anything AMTRAC owned.

I pulled over the car, As i got out i immediately got up and stood on the hood so I could just see over the trees leading down a slope, I looked through my scope on my rifle towards the mountain range looking for any signs of AMTRAC's base. I had an extremely rough idea were it was located too.

I got off the hood and climbed back into the drivers seat and took off again. It was beginning to get colder as I drove higher into the mountains.

I couldn't go through the main entrance because of the Camera's that are set up within the trees leading up the road.

I was on the other side of the valley, I guessed that the mountain the main facility was under was the one across the valley.

It was at least another 10km drive...

I either had to disembark the car and continue on foot and then hike up the mountain or risk going closer and going through a checkpoint on the way there.

I pulled over on the side of the road, I looked down outside of the window at the huge drop off from the mountain, I quickly scanned the road that was in the valley for any sign of lights or movement in the moonlight.

I could faintly see some red lights moving along the road away from me, heading towards the mountain pass where AMTRAC's HQ sat.

I drove off again, I headed down the winding road towards the valley road... Nervous and excited at the same time.

I made it through the Valley without coming across anyone. I was now parked up in a woodland area, I had busted the front left tyre after off roading in it to park it away from anyone seeing it from the road. I covered it as best as I could with leaves and sticks, and took off with my bag slung over both my shoulders for the cold morning hike up the tallest point on the haldtik mountain range.

I slowly made my way up the mountain, it was steep and unforgiving, my back and legs, not to mention my right arm were hurting from the hike.

I still had my right arm slung up, I was only good for using one hand at the current stage to keep myself upright while I climbed up the rocky slope.

I turned around and looked back down the mountain, I had made some progress, I looked back up and continued to slowly walk my way upwards.

Command Centre ALPHA
Siege's Perspective.

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