Chapter 28

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The negotiations ran through the day, Ilya wasn't apart of it, he had left Erica too do his dealings for him.

"So why did you come here if you didn't want to be apart of the negotiations?" Trace asked for all of us as we walked down the long hallway back to the entrance with his hands in his pockets.

"Well, I mostly came here for a quick holiday from Onina." Ilya responded.

"I thought you hated Auroria though?" I questioned him.

"What? No! That's mostly my Father's ideals, I'm still working out all the paperwork... It's quite hard even with a whole team of lawyers on my side." Ilya laughed. "I like this country for it's beautiful setting."

"I'm amazed that a kid your age is able to keep up with all of the drama." Trace laughed.

"It's quite tiring..." He yawned.

We exited the building via the main door, as we walked down the steps Ilya's limousine pulled up at the bottom.

"You lot are gonna guard me while we take a quick trip around the area, I wanna see some sights." Ilya said as we all walked down. "You'll be killed if something were to happen to me, keep that in mind."

I heard Haythorn shallow in fear. I reached over and gave his hand a quick squish. He back looked at me and gave a unsure smile.

"It'll be okay.." I mouthed. He nodded back.

We each got into the limousine, soon we were off...

"So where are we going first?" I asked.

"I wanted to see the Mt.Holbur Lookout firstly, I hear that it has a brilliant view of the Port." He smiled excitingly. "I've given the driver a list of place I want to go to, they should all work out so they we meet back at the castle as they finish up the negotiations."

"Well let's get on with it then!" Siege said excited about the trip.

With that we were off, Ilya's driver had the route planned out for the day and we were all pretty excited... even if we were really protecting this kid from the thought of being assaulted.

Ilya was pretty happy with himself, we stopped at the first point along the trip, each of us got out of the limousine and walked up the small trail to the lookout point. Looking down from the mountain you could see almost everywhere in a 180 degree angle.

Ships were exiting and entering the port, you could even see some of the cranes of the port spinning around to collect loads from the container ships.

"Apparently there's a few factions in Auroria working against the king." Ilya said out loud.

"I- We want you lot out of here and in Onina, but because of your affiliation with Schwartz we can't simply get you into Onina."

"We?" I asked.

"Yeah... Schwartz and I." Ilya looked at me, he had a serious look on him for someone so... childish looking.

"What's our affiliation with Schwartz got to do with anything?" Trace butted in.

"Because your the lot that blew up a mountain range in Noristo... you don't just get to get off scot free for that and don't say you didn't do it, cause we know you did." Ilya walked over to us.

"So are you going to arrest us?" I asked. Siege and Haythorn looked at the other two guards with their guns ready to be pulled up.

"God no. I wouldn't of come all this way to arrest you, It's simply that we're harbouring you across to Onina in secrecy." He laughed, he continued to laugh at us. "God I can't believe you think I'd arrest you."

"So Ilya, why do we need to be 'Harboured across in Secrecy.'?" I asked. Siege and Haythorn immediately put their safeties back on.

"Cause there are a few terrorist cells here in Auroria that want you people dead for what you did in Noristo, and they know your here." Ilya leant on a wooden pole. "How you wonder? Well ever since the princess went missing this country as you know as been in shambles, Schwartz can't keep it under a sheet hidden from the world for much longer."

"Fair enough, but from what we've seen the country looks fine?" Siege questioned, she wondered whatever he could mean.

"It may look fine and ever since you got the meteorite fragment from here and gave it to us admittedly the economy has gotten better... But, there are people who aren't happy and what to overthrow the king and install a better newer form of government." Ilya responded.

"Well this is definitely a lot to take in." Haythorn laughed awkwardly.

"So what do you want us to do?" I asked as I walked over and crouched down next to Ilya.

Ilya turned around to face us all. "Leave here with us before that happens, Schwartz and I don't want you lot to get caught up in the coming civil war." He said.

I stood back up and looked back at the others. They all looked back at me for some directions.

"I'm with you Inia." Trace smiled.

"Count me in." Siege responded as she grabbed Traces arm.

Haythorn looked at Siege and Trace, he chuckled as he looked back at me. "I'd follow you into hell if I could."

I looked back at Ilya. "Well there you have it."

"Good decision." Ilya smiled.

The day dragged on, we went around to all these other places, looking at the scenery. I noticed the two guards would stop and take pictures at every location we stopped at, I didn't think too much of it... but it did bug me alittle.

It wasn't till we arrived back in the castle ground I started to feel 'alive' again, pretty sure we all felt like that. The day went past without a single trouble. Weird for us, specially near someone so important.

We all hopped out the limousine. The sun was just ducking behind the horizon, it's orange glow coated the main building in the castle perfectly.

I set one foot on the stairs, I heard the big the main door open up in front of us.

Schwartz stood at the door. So did erica and other officals.

I looked up, at them both. Their faces were pale, they didn't dare move a muscle.

I wasn't sure what was going on, it was taking awhile for it to click in my head.

I was grabbed by someone behind me and dragged into the limousine.

Gunfire erupted. I was still halfway outside of the limousine when I saw the wave of bullets spray down Schwartz and Erica.

Their blood coated the stairs as it trickled down.

For one of the first time's seeing something like this I heard myself scream... or was it Siege. Maybe it was both of us...

Trace was swearing his head off as Siege looked out at the window, Haythorn was shutting the door behind me as he finished dragging me in.

The limousine soon was speeding off out of the court yard.

"What the fuck?!" I heard Siege, she repeated it over and over again.

I crawled my way across the seats of the limousine towards Siege, grabbing her collar and dragging her down to my head. "If this is a bad dream Siege I'm telling you to knock it off right fucking now!" I shouted as the picture of them both being sprayed down replayed in my mind over and over again.

Siege shook her head as she tried to hold back her tears.

"What's going on Ilya!?" Trace shouted.

"I don't know! I didn't think with the show of force we did coming here would cause the rebellion to act up right this moment!" Ilya shouted from the front. "Our driver has taken a hit to his left arm, but he's still able to drive."

"Where is that kid Eskil! We have to find him before the rebellion does!" I shouted.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I laid back down on the carpet of the limousine. Haythorn was checking his ammunition and Trace was on his phone trying to get into contact with an official from the base.

What are we stuck in now...

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