Chapter 23

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We sat in silence for another 20 minutes or so, the mood around the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

The siren subsided and the main door unlocked itself, we all made our way out.

"Well we're still alive so I suppose we're okay." Siege said as she walked out first.

"Just be careful, it might not be over yet." I replied to her as I walked out behind her.

We made our way down the cramped hallways and up to the bridge.

I knocked on the door, it eventually swung open with a young man on the other side. "We've just retrieved the satellite, the captain has temporarily left to go to the retrieval bay to suss it out." The man said as he stood at attention.

"Sweet, wish the old man told us that he'd be down there instead." I said turning around to the group. "Back the other way~" I said pointing as I pushed past them.

We walked down the cramped hallways once more, we eventually got to the supply centre, the crane was still picking up pieces, the weather and the choppy water was making it harder to pick up the small pieces.

The main satellite sat on the deck, the heavy rain continued to pour down.

"Captain!" I yelled out to the man standing next to another officer.

"Ahh Inia! Good timing." Boomed the Captain. "Catch of the day wouldn't you say?"

I looked at the burnt up satellite control box. It had jettisoned itself from the main satellite before crashing into the water. It took up as much room as a small car would.

"So what's next?" Arch asked as we stood under the cover of the hangar.

"Well I imagine we get you and this cargo back to Auroria immediately, The SPY Radar ship in my fleet has picked up multiple targets in the area, including submarines." The Captain said as he turned to face the officer next to him.

"This is First Lieutenant Eskil Fuchs." The Captain said introducing us.

"Nice to meet you, good job throwing the world into the shitstorm you lot." He said.

Admitting I was a bit taken back and suddenly everyone was on my side about the whole ordeal as Siege and Molly nearly said something to him.

"Blame Inia for that." Trace joked.

I looked back at him, he smiled as he giggled.

"Oh I know all about her." Eskil replied to Trace giving him a harsh look.

"For a prince he's kinda cute" I heard Molly whisper from behind me.

"Oh? So this guy is Lexion's brother?" Arch questioned.

Eskil stepped forward. "Yes, and as far as I'm concerned I'm glad she's gone. T-This..." he said as he pointed out Mine, Siege's and Trace, Haythorn's weapon's "...Problem you lot have is the reason why she left."

The captain pulled him back and looked down at him.
"I think it's time we told him that she still alive... shouldn't we?" He said.

Eskil took a step back.

"It's not true, she's probably dead in a ditch somewhere." Eskil crossed his arms, he looked back at the wreckage of the satellite.

"Hurry up and get that thing off our ship." He said as he turned around, he looked like he was shooting daggers with his eyes at us.

I was quite taken aback, I didn't know the king's son that well, I thought he'd be abit more... cruisey with life.

The night dragged on and the storm calmed eventually, we hadn't run in with any of the enemy ships or submarines yet, we were only 15 km from Port Alore. The place where Siege had done her special work casting a fake image into our heads  last year.

Alore was a nice fishing town, it harboured most of the naval forces thanks to it's deep bay area. The November-D class can only dock in deep water area's most of the time they run aground easily. But even if such a thing where to happen, it would certainly be able to defend itself from missiles or torpedoes.

It's port and starboard side has 12, 20mm radar guided vulcan cannons. It's Bow and Stern have 2 turrets with 3 22inch cannons. On it stern just below the waterline sits a torpedo hatch capable of short range defence against other torpedos.

With the military budget skyrocketing after the king lost his only daughter, they put most of their money towards rebuilding the country's Navy and Airforce. Rebuilding and Reusing old equipment and restoring it with newer equipment from the modern age.

There were once 5 November-A class battleships, now there only remains 3, after WW2 they sat in the water and where turned into museums. Come 2039 They were brought out of mothballs and museums and put back to work.

I sat in the mess hall again, everyone else had joined me and they were talking amongst themselves about finally being able to go back to being on land.

"No offence Inia, but next time you need a boat don't bring us along." Arch laughed, we all had a solid laugh about it.

Too pass the time we talked about the most stupid things we could come up with, it was fun...

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