Chapter 19

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Under the Haldtik Mountain Range.
Siege's Perspective.

Trace, Molly and I nervously stood out in the hanger bay, we had each been informed by Echo that there had been a casualty in the fighting that took place.

She didn't have the full details, but it sounded pretty serious.

Molly trembled with fear as she thought that she had lost another meaningful person in her life... Arch. Trace and I thought it might of been Arch as well.

It was now 1am, the hangar doors slowly opened, letting the cold air outside rush in... The hangar lit up with landing assist lights as we could begin to hear the 2 helicopters come in for the landing.

As they approached medical teams rushed out to the helipad.

As soon as they landed Natalie hopped out and turned around helping a very sore Arch out of the helicopter. His face was red, he had obviously been crying.

My mood sank a little when Inia wasn't seen anywhere.
I felt remorse for the first time in a long time. Trace put his hand on my shoulder. I turned back and looked him the eye, he was trembling when he didn't see his sister come out.

"I'll be in our room if you need me." Trace sniffed hard as he held his tears back as he let go of my shoulder and turned to walk away.

"I'm sorry Trace." I said to him as he walked away.

He gave me a wave, he didn't look back at me, as he passed a box he kicked it nice and hard across the platform.

I turned my attention to Natalie who was talking to the medical team and Echo as they unloaded a bodybag.

Arch and Molly walked off together, Arch was being held up by Molly as they walked slowly back to their room.

I walked over to Natalie and Echo. "So Inia bit the bullet did she?" I asked as I approached.

"Siege, good morning." Natalie yawned as she handed Echo a piece of paper.

"Not a very good morning when you find out your friend is dead." I replied crossing my arms and putting on a curious look.

"This is war Siege, people die, Inia wouldn't want us to slow down because of her passing." Natalie said as she reached out and patted my shoulder.

"Right." I brushed it away, not in the mood for this game Natalie was playing.

"So I see you recovered her body, what happened so badly that killed her?" I asked as I watched the medical team wheel off the body bag on a stretcher.

"She breached the building and was immediately killed by a hailstorm of bullets and a explosive charge from Harlow, Harlow is also decreased but we left her body behind for the local authorities to deal with." Natalie looked at the bodybag being wheeled away.

"Can I see inside the bodybag? You know? To identify the body..." I asked as I looked back at Natalie.

Natalie looked at Echo and they both nodded.

"Sure thing, follow me." Natalie said as she began to walk off towards the medical centre.

I walked behind her with Echo in tow, we followed the body bag through the hallways until we reached the morgue.

Natalie asked the medical staff to immediately put the body onto the operation table so they could begin to clean her up for the funeral.

"Okay let's see Inia for one last time shall we?" Natalie asked me as she held the curtain open, letting me walk into the operating room first.

I walked over to the body and slowly peeled off the sheet that lay on top of her.

I saw Inia... I held my breath as I saw the damage that had been done to her body.

So inhumane what had happened to her...

I covered her back up. I turned to face Natalie.

"Is it her?" Natalie asked.

"Fuck off..." I said as I pushed past her..

"I'll take that as a yes then." Natalie said to me as I walked out.

I began to cry as I started to sprint down the hallway.

I wanted Trace... I wanted to give him the biggest hug...

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