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"Bartletts tracking device has gone offline about 3 hours ago..." Hamilton spun his chair around and looked at Blaze who was sitting on the couch across from his desk.

"Blaze are you listening?" Hamilton slammed his hand down onto the desk with loud thump.

"I heard you. I don't really care, Harlow and Bartlett both went rogue and they're stuck inside North Point territory.." Blaze rudely spoke back to him.

"Well, what are you gonna do about it?" Hamilton asked.

"Just focus on your ridiculous satellite game and I'll get Eila and Charlotte to go pick up Harlow and bring her back here." Blaze said as she stood up and stamped out of the office.

Hamilton sighed and looked at his computer.

The screen showed a world map with little red dots representing the satellite locations.

"Two satellites are in active cooldown over North Point." He smiled wickedly.

2 hours later.

Sirens blasted throughout AMTRAC's complex.

"ELECTRICAL BUILD UP IN LOW EARTH ORBIT CONFIRMED." The computerised voice announced.

It repeated itself again.

I rushed out into the hallway and saw workers running in a hurry trying to get to their workstations.

"THIS IS NOT A DRILL REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL." The computerised voice announced.

I went to knock on Arch's door but as I did He hurriedly pulled it open.

"What the hell's going on?!" Arch yelled over the sirens.

"I think we're in for an attack or something!" I yelled back. "Tell Molly to stay here with Alexandria, I'll meet you up at the command centre!"

He nodded back and shut the door as he went back inside.

I ran down the hallway to the elevators and waited for them to come down from the upper floor, with everyone running around like chickens with their heads cut off the elevators were in high demand.

Arch ran up next to me as the elevator door opened.

"Good to see you made it right on time!" I said loudly.

"Yeah! Hopefully this isn't anything to worrying Lex is crying into Molly's shoulder at the moment!" He replied.

"Poor girl!" I said getting into the elevator, immediately pressing the button to get up to the top floor.

We arrived soon at the top floor, the sirens where deafening up here as people ran around in the same panic.

They ran from room to room as Arch and I jogged down the hallway accidentally knocking into people every so often.

I swiped my card on the door leading into the command centre and too my surprise only Natalie and Eila we're in here.

"Natalie! What's the deal!" I yelled as Arch and I walked down the stairs towards a row of computers where Natalie and Eila where sitting.

"Two of Emblem Directs satellites are overhead and currently in the electromagnetic charge faze." Natalie yelled at the computer screen.

She clapped her hands loudly and the sirens turned off and returned to normal quiet in the room, the outside remained the same.

"I will be actually able to hear now!" Arch yelled.

"No need to yell now Arch." Natalie said rather seriously.

PHENOMENON: Nos Conquer Una [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now