Chapter 17

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"Alright team, you know the drill." Natalie yelled orders from behind us at her personal guard unit as Arch and I walked out to the helicopter's.

The blades began to spin around and the noise bounced off all the walls within the massive hanger, almost deafening me, I immediately put my ear protection on.

We got into the helicopter, Natalie and her team of 3 took the other one.

Natalie's voice came over the PA system within the cockpit. "Arch and Inia, Your going to be deploying on the westside of Dontera CBD near the music festival and my team will follow in behind, landing on the east side of the CBD." She sounded excited for the coming fight. "We don't know if it's Harlow or Bartlett, try not to kill whoever it is, capture them if possible."

And with that small speech from Natalie the helicopters began to lift off from the ground and slowly make their way out of the hanger, it's big heavy metal doors sliding across to allow us access to the outside world.

It took us an hour and a half before we were outside of Dontera.

Night was now falling on us as we circled around the city...

Natalie's helicopter broke off from ours and went towards their own landing zone.

"Ready?" I asked Arch as I pulled my gun up next to me.
"Yeah almost..." Arch took out his headphones as he turned off the music on his phone.

I looked out the window of the helicopter onto the city below.
People moved around like ants from up here, most of them we're looking at our helicopter circling around to land.

"Change of plans Inia!" Natalie's voice sounded over the radio in the cockpit. "We're gonna have to land on the roof of the Western Star bank.. you guys land on the rooftop carpark just below us, too many civilians around on the ground." She boomed out over the PA once more.

Our helicopter changed course almost immediately towards the inner CBD.

"I thought we were gonna use the music festival as cover?" Arch asked me.

"I thought so too... There's way too many people out at the moment that aren't at the festival." I replied to him, as I looked out of the window once more.

The helicopter flew between the buildings and landed on the rooftop carpark.

Arch and I immediately hopped out, we had barely touched the ground and the helicopter had already taken off.

I looked up and saw Natalie's helicopter also pulling out.

"They aren't waiting around today, usually they stick around for a few seconds longer." I mentioned. I looked around at the high rise buildings.

"Alright, Start your move to Hotel LaChicago." Natalie's voice came over my handheld radio. I double tapped the push to talk button letting her know we had confirmed her order.

Arch and I made our way over to the carparks elevator and climbed in.

We traveled down the elevator.

"Oi Inia, I've got a bad feeling about tonight so be careful." Arch said looking at me.

"I will be fine mate... Thank you for caring about someone like me." I said as I gave him a quick thumbs up.

We reached the ground floor and people where walking everywhere, forgetting about how a helicopter only just landed near them.

It was a saturday night so people where either at the music festival or partying in the clubs along the street we walked out into.

We blended in with the crowd of people, my gun sat inside a guitar suitcase slung over my back, Arch also had the same idea as me before we left AMTRAC.

We walked along the street reaching an alleyway, once we were in the alleyway behind Hotel LaChicago we looked for a backdoor in or some other way to gain access to the place.

All the door's along the alley were locked, we continued to walk around the edge of the hotel where we found a small window that was open that led into the underground car park below the hotel.

I went through the window first. "All clear Arch." I said as I looked around.

"Righto here you go." He said as he passed through our weapons that had now been taken out of the guitar cases.

He slid through next and landed on his feet. I passed him his rifle. "Alright, next step is too somehow get to the penthouse."

"I know, that might be difficult..." I replied as I looked around the carpark. "Lets try the stairs, the elevator would need a hotel card to use it."

Arch nodded as we made our way over towards the elevators and stairs.

I waited for the elevator to come down to double check to see if we would need a pass or not.

It reached the ground floor and I peered inside.
"Fuck, stairs it is then." I swore under my breath as I saw the card swiper.

"Lets go Arch." I said opening the door to the stairwell.

We made our way up the flights of stairs slowly.

"How's it going from inside." Natalie asked over the radio.

"Ascending the stairs to the penthouse now." I replied back.

"Roger." The radio beeped.

Arch tapped me on the shoulder as we continued our way up.

"Inia, why would Harlow or Bartlett come to Dontera?" Arch asked me.

"Good question... I don't know the answer to it, but something's been chewing at the back of my mind the past day." I replied as I slowly made my way up the next set.

"And what's that?" He asked.

I looked back at him and stopped.

"How do Natalie and Echo know were Harlow or Bartlett have been this whole time? How did they find out that they were in this hotel? Surely Harlow or Bartlett are smart enough to let themselves not be tracked." I paused.

"Let's just be careful." I continued.

Arch nodded.

We finally made it to the top floor.

Hotel Chicago.
Level 41-3 Penthouse suite.

Harlow sat on the balcony overlooking the city and the music festival happening in the parklands below.

She lit another cigarette.

The door to the room opened and in walked a person.

"They'll be here soon you know that right?" Harlow said as she turned around to face the person.

"I know, I just want your intel on MAERSK and Emblem Direct." Natalie sat as she put a suitcase down.

"I suppose you also want me to silence Inia again?" Harlow walked over to the suitcase that Natalie put down on the bench.

"And this time you better not fucking fail." Natalie slammed down her hand on the table.

Harlow grabbed the suitcase and opened it, the golden glow under the light shined on her face... The suitcase was loaded with gold.

"That's enough for you to disappear off the face of the planet forever." Natalie spat.

"Fair enough, I'll make sure she dies tonight then." Harlow nodded at Natalie.


PHENOMENON: Nos Conquer Una [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon