Chapter 13

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1 week later.

I woke up early, I rolled over to see that the time had just gone past 4am. I sighed with annoyance, I wanted some sleep and I wasn't getting any.

I rolled back over and my face collided with another. A very fast asleep Alexandria was now awake and she screamed with fear when we accidentally hit each other, when she screamed I backed away and fell of the side of my bed.

Thinking it was just another nightmare, Once I hit the floor I woke up properly to see that in fact Alexandria was laying in bed next to me.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry for screaming you scared me..." She said quietly as she was very remorseful about her screaming.

"I'm good, now what are you doing in my bed?" I asked her kindly, I sat up and got myself on the bed turning the light on.

"Mum had to go to the medical centre, she got paged about a treatment that she needed to see." Lex informed me.

"Alright Lex... God a treatment this early in the morning?" I confirmed with her.

Lex nodded her head.

"So when did Mol- I mean your mum go out for the treatment call?" I asked her, trying to find some information on how they got into my room.

"Well it was around 1am when she dropped me off here, she said you'd be okay with me staying the night, Aunty Inia." Lex sat up in the bed with a mean stomach rumble.

I shook my head, What has that women been teaching this girl, 'Aunty Inia'... what am I, 70?

"Alright... Well let's get some food for that stomach of yours." I said getting up off the bed.

"You stay here and i'll go cook up an Omelette." I told Alexandria, I looked at her and she looked like she was about to be sick.

"Mum said your a really bad cook..." She shyly whispered.

"Is that so!" I seethed with rage inside, holding it in so I didn't scare the girl.

"Do you have anything else?" She asked laying back down covering herself the sheets.

"I've got 2 Minute Cup noodles?" I smiled. She didn't look to impressed at me.

"What flavour?" She asked turning over again.

"Chicken." I was starting to lose my patience.

"Alright~ Fine, I'll have that..." She said into the pillow.

I nodded as I slowly closed the door.

I rummaged around in the kitchen, turning on the kettle and boiling the water and finding a cup of noodles that I had misplaced somewhere around the kitchen.

After 5 more extra minutes I bought the Noodles into the bedroom.

Alexandria was out like a light, she lay sprawled out on the bed.

I looked at the cup noodles, and slowly went back out of the bedroom, I sat on the couch in the room and quietly turned on the TV.

The Noristo and North Point TV station was pretty well known for having some stupid TV shows on, Usually just chickfics and Anything to do with Racing or News.

As I was about to start getting into eating there was a knock on my door.

I sighed, I put down my cup noodles that smelt delicious and where ripe enough to eat.

The door knocked again.

"I'm coming, hold on." I said, also trying not to wake Lex up.

I opened the door and Molly stood outside in her PJ's waiting for me.

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