Chapter 26

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The Grand Hotel
Port Alore, Auroria
2044, 10 days till new year.

"So Siege is doing better I hear." Molly asked as she walked up behind me in the hallway lined with rooms.

"Yeah, at least that's what Trace has told me... no idea what had gotten into her the last few days." I answered her as I pressed the button on the lift.

"Wonder if it's because you've had us on a wild goose chase." Molly raised her tone. "I doubt it..." I mumbled, I was quite annoyed with Molly's attitude.

Molly looked at me, with a sigh she looked away. "Arch and I want out of this little adventure for awhile..."

I looked back at Molly, I was a bit stunned by what she had said. Before I could say anything she continued. "I want a life outside of this right now and Arch has been feeling the same, especially with Alexandria around now."

I let her continue, the door on the elevator opened and we both stepped in. "Molly, if you have felt that way you could of told me a long time ago..." I said as I chose the ground floor.

"No no, it's only just happened recently, w-we just want a holiday..." Molly looked like she was about to start crying...

"Well where were you planning on going?" I asked her. She rubbed her head. "I was thinking of going back to Estio, maybe finish off schooling." Molly laughed quietly holding back a few tears.

"Look it's alright, if you two want to live your life's in Estio that's fine with me." I reassured her as I placed my hand on her shoulder. "Arch's house, I believe it got knocked down like maybe 4 weeks after we left to go to AMTRAC, the fire destroyed all the supports in it."

The elevator door opened to the ground floor. The lobby of the overly fancy hotel they we're staying at was beautiful...  golden chandeliers, golden door frames, the busboys where always friendly and served with a smile wanting to help you with any troubles you had.

"I could live here forever." I had a smile on my face as I stepped out of the elevator.

"It is overly beautiful in the morning isn't it?" Molly said as she looked around herself, both of us had only ventured out of our rooms once and that was only to go to the gym and the heated pool in the hotel.

"I believe that the house has been rebuilt recently, I'd be careful though, it was under AMTRAC's contact... so I don't know what surveillance or what else could be hiding in the house." I reassured Molly. She looked at me, averting her attention away from looking at the sights of the hotel lobby. "We will be careful, I hope you atleast send us postcards." She laughed.

I smirked at her. Trying my best not to join in with her short burst of happy laughter. "I'll make sure we send you postcards."

Molly and I had our own things to do that day, I had an appointment with Schwartz about the satellite and Molly had some shopping to do.

A few hours past, Boring interviews dragged on for most of the day, we reviewed the satellite data over and over again for hours.

The only link we'd found to finding the command satellite was the one that we had a technician pull off on the morning the satellite landed. We had combed through it together, nothing else there... No passwords, No hidden backdoors.

We were both depressed about the shortcomings and the next Satellite was now due to crash down on New Years Day...

In Onina... MAERSK Arms Territory.

I had promised the king more results than this, 30 Satellites out of 100 narrowed it down only a tiny bit.

What we did find is that 2 satellites had been redirected to the Haldtik Mountain Range the night AMTRAC was destroyed, but we were long gone before both of them where in range. Natalie and Echo where well and truly dead, thank god.

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