First day pt 2

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You blush a little. When he sees your face his face softens. "Oh.. sorry are you ok." He said. " i-I'm fine... sorry again." You said. Yoongi grabs your book from the ground and gives it to you. "T-Thank you." I said. "Your welcome." He said and smiled slightly.
(Thoughts): (He is really cute when he smiles)

{Yoongi POV}
I don't know what is about her, but I feel like I don't have to be cold towards her. Her blood smells amazing but I can't hurt her I don't want to.
{End of Yoongi POV}

"Y/N! Y/N!" A voice says. You turn around and see CL but when she sees Yoongi she stops. "Um let's go y/n." CL said. She grabs your hand and pulls you to the cafeteria. You guys stop at a table and you see three other girls. "Y/n these are my friends introduce yourselves." CL said. " hey I'm Sandara call Dara." She says. "Hey Queen Bom here nice to you." The next one says. " I'm minzy." She said.
(Wow they are really pretty) "Nice to meet you guys." You said. You and CL sit down. "Well what took you so long to come eat." Dara said. "Oh I bumped into Yoongi. You say shyly. CL's smile fated a little. "Listen y/n you should stay away from Yoongi he is bad news ok." CL said. "Um why." You ask. "Just do." CL said. You looked at the girls and everyone but CL seems uncomfortable. Suddenly, you feel something cold and wet over your head. " ahh!" You scream. Everyone head turn to your direction.

{Yoongi POV}
I walk to the guys and sat down
"What took you so long." Jungkook asked me. "I went to the bathroom." I told him. "Oh." Jimin muttered. We heard a girl scream so we turned around. It was Nancy she poured water on someone. When I looked closer I noticed it was y/n the new girl.
{End of Yoongi POV}

You turn around standing up. "What the hell is wrong with you!" I yelled.
"Nothing bitch! I'm Nancy Queen if the school and Yoongi's girlfriend so stay away from him you fucking slut." She said. "Who you calling a hoe you sucking dick hoe!" You yelled. "Oh your died!" Nancy said as she tried to slap you but someone caught her hand.

"Y-Yoongi oppa." "Why do you always ruin my break time with your voice your existence is enough." You look at Yoongi. " Oppa I-." She said but was interrupted. "Stop calling me oppa, I'm not your oppa!!!" Yoongi yelled dripping her hand. "S-Sorry." She said then ran off. Yoongi looked at you. "T-Thank you Yoongi." You say shyly. (Why does he make me feel like this) "It's fine." Yoongi said then leaves.

Hey I hoped you enjoyed this story so far I will continue.

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