LOKI ODINSON || He returns

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Loki smirked at you, you were angry, relieved, happy as hell and annoyed all at the same time. "I watched Thanos snap your neck, we thought you were dead!" You cried, swooping him into a hug, not really sure if it was the right response to the situation, not really caring.
"It was all part of my plan, Y/N, my plan to defeat him," you didn't stop hugging him, you were so relieved to have him back, you didn't care about anything else anymore. Thor walked into the room, his draw dropping, he ran to his brother, hugging him so tightly it looked like Loki might snap. He put him down and tears danced in both of their eyes'. "I told you the sun would shine on us again, brother," Loki smiled as a ray of sunlight made its way through the window.
"Don't ever do that again, Loki, I can't live without you," Thor wipes a tear from his face,
"don't be a baby," Loki laughed, pushing Thor slightly. Thor gripped his shoulder,
"you aren't the worst by the way," he whispered.
"Oh I know, I'm great," Loki joked. You hugged both of them, you thought that you'd never see Loki again, or Thor actually happy. It was too perfect.


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