PETER PARKER || Tony's discovery

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Peter Parker walked into the lounge room to see only Tony Stark inside of it. Tony was seated at the table, hands intertwined and resting before him.  Peter stopped and looked back down the hall, worrying that he had been called into the wrong room.
"Nah kid, you're right. Take a seat." Tony chuckled, motioning at the table.

Peter anxiously walked over, taking a seat in the chair directly in front of him. He felt a cold sweat rush over his body as his mind raced. What did he do? He was unsure, and that made him feel even worse.

Tony disregarded Peter's worried look, shifting in his seat before speaking. "So, kid. I don't know if you know this but your suit records audio when you don't have the mask on (for the visuals), and it gets forwarded onto me if you say certain words or phrases.."

Peter nodded along, trying to guess where Tony was going with it.

"You said something last week that caused KAREN to send me the audio file. Do you know what I'm talking about?"

Peter thought for a moment, trying to backtrack his mind to the past week. What did he say? Nothing partially stuck out to him; the week blurring together in a hard to remember haze. He eventually shook his head. "You told a girl, whose name was- I believe-  Y/N, that you were Spiderman."

Peter's jaw dropped as his memory came flooding to him. The night on the rooftop, the moment he had with her, the secrets he spilled. His face reddened as he thought of the other things Tony probably heard him say.

"Now. I hope you understand the grave danger you have put her into regarding your identity. She now has a target pinned on her back for- probably oh, um- the rest of her life." Tony's tone went from cautious to stern very fast.
Peter felt like he was being scolded, his face becoming even more red.

"M-Mr Stark I-"

"Are you ready to have to protect her now as well as Nelly or Ned- whatever his name is?"

"Y-yes Mr Stark, I- I am ready."

Tony nodded thoughtfully. "You better be. This is a tough life, kid. You need to keep the ones you love safe."

With that word of advice, Tony Stark got up silently, leaving Peter alone in the room.


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